About Shannyn Moore

Was it something I said?

Shannyn Moore.  Born Alaskan.  Patriot. Constitutionalist.  Lover of Freedom.  Giving hell to the establishment.  Standing up to fascists and tyranny…both foreign and domestic.  Radio.  Active.  Truth.

I don’t believe in accidents. My grandmother got me into radio. I was on my way to Virginia for her funeral. While on the plane, I met the owner of a local progressive station. He offered me a job. There were a lot of growing pains for both me and the station. When I was fired, I knew I wasn’t done with radio. Progressive radio has nothing to do with what’s on your business card.  It has to do with who you are on the air, and, more importantly, who you are off the air.  I don’t play me on the radio.

Shannyn Moore is an award-winning broadcaster, political commentator, local newspaper columnist and blogger based in Anchorage, Alaska.  She can be heard on her daily radio talk show on KOAN 95.5FM / 1020AM Anchorage, WPWC WeActRadio in Washington DC and streaming around the world at www.1020koan.com from 6pm-9pm ADT.

Her weekly statewide television show, Moore Up North, is broadcast  Saturdays and Sundays at 3pm on ABC Alaska KYUR Anchorage, KATN Fairbanks and KJUD Juneau. Shannyn also writes a weekly OpEd column for the Anchorage Daily News on Sundays.

In 2009, Shannyn was awarded Buzzflash’s Wings of Justice award for standing up to legal threats from Alaska Governor Sarah Palin. She also received the top honor at Netroots Nation, The Steve Gilliard Journalism Grant of Merit for her straightforward writing on her own blog and on The Huffington Post.

In 2012, the Alaska Press Club recognized Shannyn’s work in the Anchorage Daily News with both the Leslie Ann Murray award for Best Editorial or Commentary and the Suzan Nightingale Top Honors award for Best Columnist.

Shannyn has been a regular guest on MSNBC’s The Rachel Maddow Show, Hardball with Chris Matthews and Countdown with Keith Olbermann. She is the only Alaska talk show host to guest-host nationally syndicated programs, including The Thom Hartmann Show-the number one progressive talk show in the country with millions of listeners.

Shannyn contributed a chapter to the 2009 book on Sarah Palin titled Going Rouge.  Shannyn’s Sunday columns for the Anchorage Daily News can be found here: http://www.adn.com/3858 She is also a regular contributor to www.themudflats.net and www.huffingtonpost.com Her own website is: www.shannynmoore.com. She can be found in the twitterverse at: http://twitter.com/shannynmoore @shannynmoore

on facebook…shannynmoore

© 2008 – 2009 Shannyn Moore, All Rights Reserved


  1. I miss Shannyn’s show so much. Will she be back on the air anytime in the near future? So many of her loyal listeners want to know.

    Thank you!

  2. Shannyn
    thank you for posting Anne Kilkenny’s letter.
    keep up the great work !
    (in S.Cal for now, but Born in Alaska and raised in the Rocky Mountains, and not buying the new version of Republican bull…..)

  3. I love you.

  4. Wait a minute, isn’t this America? Where freedom of speech is a right under the Constitution? Shannyn you have the right to say what you want as does Fagan, Rydell, that Rush guy and all the other radio show personalities out there. Left or Right. BTW the term Palinbot was not coined in the past three weeks, its been around for awhile. You either fall in line or you get kicked out of the club.

  5. Shannon, you are my hero. The best example of what an American should be, whether liberal, conservative, or in-between. Keep up the FANTASTIC work. Put the facts out there and shine a bright light on the discrepancies between talk and walk. Too many people are glossing over the real facts and following the cult of personality instead. I happened to hear you on NPR and was very glad to hear a reasonable, fact-driven voice. You should be on ABC, NBC, CBS, MSNBC, CNN, FOX, and PBS.

    Those who protest the truths you are sharing or bury their heads are “not worthy of the American soil they stand on.” Don’t let the jerks get you down.

  6. Hi, shannyn:
    You are the most brave, outspoken and beautiful lady. I love you and support you.

  7. I would like to follow your blog via RSS feed but don’t see a link on your site for it. Is there a trick I don’t know about for getting that feed? I have an aggregation website that pulls in the blogs’ topics of the ones I watch. (netvibes.com). Maybe there is a way to add such a link (RSS, Atom, XML type feeds) to your template? I googled it and found ways but without spending a lot of time didn’t find a easy way (I’m not a wordpress guy so maybe there is an easy option in your settings?

    Anyway, from another liberal in Alaska – appreciate what you do. /jd

  8. Shannyn, I hope you get your own show soon. You being on the Bob & Bob (oops, Bob & MARK) show was the only thing that made it tolerable. Bob is so obviously in love with Palin it is disgusting. Thanks for being a breath of fresh air during your short stay on the show.

  9. i love you shanny banannay and am so proud of you as a fellow sister and human, saying , say it girl. no choice ? go ask the cavemen at geico …even theyre insulted for being under rated… my god we got the right to vote, many years ago….its so primitive to say what we can and cant choose for our bodies… stop controlling , god doesnt like micro managers and i hardly think he needs one, do you ?? make a choice and own it damnnnnnnnnnn…….

  10. Branching out on your own, even if only temporary, really may have been great for your career and expose many people to progressive thinking.

    I’ve been seeing you all over the place and while I miss your show on KUDO, I look forward to the fun and surprising places you’ll appear next!

    Keep up the good work and I’ll try to keep up.

  11. I saw you on Keith O., and really enjoyed listening to your thoughtful analysis. Look forward to learning more about your work.

    Good luck from Kentucky!

  12. I would never have known about you and your incisive point of view if it hadn’t been for seeing you on Keith Olberman “Countdown” on September 9th, and his posting your web address when you appeared on his show Friday, September 19th. I sincerely hope he brings you back frequently, as he has done (and continues to do) with Rachel Maddow.

    Best of luck and success.

  13. Love the “Thought Radio” over “Talk Radio”. There is very little “thought” in view when tuning into Rush or Hannity, sadly the only blather AM radio available where I live. Best of luck.
    York, PA.

  14. Shannyn,

    I hope that your national appearances lead to a broader audience. What a smart, funny, insightful, refreshing, thoughtful voice to add to the national political conversation. Just please don’t accept any invitations to leave Alaska before the election. We need your coverage of state news and Sarah Palin. Come to think of it, it would be kind of nice to hear your voice from Alaska when Palin returns as governor on November 5, has to face the music (or not, given the weird and Sarah-serving nature of the investigative process), and has to settle for being Hockey Mom instead of VP mom.

    But don’t let that hold you back!

  15. What a great line…

    “are we going to go from waterboarding to just throwing people in a pond to see if thay float or not.”

    You are gorgeous.

  16. You go girl! Saw you on MSNBC. Thank you, thank you, thank you. The witch story has finally made its way off of YouTube (especially after they took down the original, long format video!) and onto mainstream US television.

  17. Is it just me, or does anyone else find it a bit annoying that half of the commentators in this state (the wonderful Shannyn excluded) have picked up on Caribou Barbie’s little tick of saying ‘legislaTOR’. Bob and Mark, CC, to name a couple.

    I wonder….does Sarah also ride the elevaTOR, and keep food in her refrigeraTOR?

  18. Where’s Shannon?
    Dan Fagan Show on KIMO. Who the hell is “SuperDave” and why is his natural response to roll his eyes and huff whenever he has to admit a liberal viewpoint is correct? How can Superdave honestly state that our economy is ok based on a single day of stockmarket gains? Our market is lower than when Bush took office. Supposedly we’ve also experienced a 3.2% growth in our GDP. Does that mean it’s a bull market in moving boxes and foreclosure signs?

  19. I miss your regular radio program. Anything in sight for another talk show (thought show)?

  20. I saw and hear (video) at the Rally on Sat.
    I think you are one smart lady!!! It is people like you that fight for the truth should be given a pat on the back. Keep up the good work!! Hope there are more Rallys in Alaska, before the election. This Palin woman is one SCARY &*()(*^!
    I loved seeing all the pictures of the rally, and wish I could have been there. Thanks to all of you great Alaskans .
    This old Iowa woman thanks all of you.

  21. Saw you on Keith Olberman’s show. You were great. Decided to check out your website. Great! Keep it up.

  22. hey Shannyn!
    great blog, so proud that we have an Alaskan woman with an informed opinion and the strength to speak it!

  23. appreciate your blog.

    “Democracy consists of choosing your dictators, after they’ve told you what you think it is you want to hear.’ -Alan Corenk


  24. I love hearing you on Jon Elliott’s “This is America”

    I never miss a show.

  25. Hey Shannon,
    Did you know that those McCain cronies are taking your Troopergate case to the US Supreme Court to try and stop the report from being released Thursday? How exciting is that?

    Taylor Barcroft

  26. this palin lady (and i use the term loosely) has scared the hell out of me since day #1. i saw u on Olberman’s show as well but just discovered your website through huffington post. i cannot thank u enuff for the information. really, we here in the lower 48 have been led to believe that “troopergate” was just a little, tiny, pesky thingee AND that your governor was held in high esteem still in Alaska. i was thinking after her debate that surely god she would not have a job if they lose this election. now i know for certain that alaskans have brains and know how to use them.

  27. Heard Shannyn Moore on 51%. Immediately sent turd pies to everyone who has asked how wonderful Palin really is. I’m not a liberal. I’m a flaming fanatic. Liberals are too limp. Thanks to Shannyn, I can get on with my true passion, meme baiting.

  28. How much more of her can we take? When McCain loses the election, do we really have to take her back? Seriously. Where’s that petition?

  29. Dear Shannon, I`ve been listening to you on the Jon Elliot show for the last month on xm. Thank you for your courage to stand up and tell the truth about Saracuda. It`s people like you who give true meaning to the saying , The land of the free and the home of the brave. All of these repubs just show what cowards they really are. If I was a repub, I`d be pissed! I lived in Kodiak in 83thru86 and have flown all over your state. What a beautiful place. Palin doesn`t deserve to lead you all!

  30. I call upon you today on an issue that is of great concern to me. It’s an issue where party, Democrat or Republican makes no difference. It’s an issue that reflects character and honor. There is a woman out there running for VP and instead of giving campaign speeches in the traditional way she is in fact encouraging race riots and putting ideas out there that killing an honorable man trying to get elected our next President is ok. This can only be a person not part of the 60’s when John & Bobby Kennedy and Dr. King had to die to help our nation knock down these barriers or too uninformed of the passion the young voters at that time were feeling to understand what we were trying to accomplish back then. In this election I feel that same passion from our young voters. In Sarah’s Palin’s case I say it’s both. This message has to get out not only to Republicans, not only Democrats, but to all US citizens, so they fully understand what kind of a person who could very well be our next President. This is very serious and very, very sad. This is the very thing that puts ideas in the minds of people that are not stable. This is not how people of our county campaign for public office, especially the first and second spot. While Govonor Palin may not be breaking any laws there is a moral issue I feel is being committed. I am sure that if everyone comes together on this issue we as a nation can generate a message to stop this dangerous type of campaigning. It is obvious that Sarah Palin was too young to part of history in the 60’s when we fought so passionately to stop things like racism. We fought hard to take walls down and Sarah Palin does not have the right to encourage people to take them down. Thanks for listening. Marilyn from Welaka, Florida

  31. Thak you for your words. Most of us in the lower 48 only hear about Sara Palin(and other issues) through the skewered lens of the MSM-which is completely at odds with what most Alaskans are saying. There are many excellent blogs from your state but yours in one of the best and most informative. I (and others, I have noticed) have been posting your site everywhere I can to let people know there is a place find something other than mainstream BS. Keep up the good work.
    I would also like an RSS fee to your site.

  32. I wasn’t sure where to post this. Have you seen the work of artist Zina Saunders? View her political art at http://www.zinasaunders.com. If she is mentioned on your site anywhere, forgive me; I have not read everything.

  33. Hi Shannyn,

    I’ve heard you on the Jon Elliot show and enjoyed listening to your insight on ‘Saint Sarah of Wasilla’. I started calling her that when she appeared here in the lower 48 and was immediately accepted as the salvation of the Republican Party and all things ‘RIGHT’ with the world.

    I have a question. Do you think or is there any chance of a Recall movement of Saint Sarah ala the California recall of Gray Davis in 2003? It would seem that if there is no other means of removing her from office this would be an option.

    Anyway, I sincerely hope you have great success in your future plans. I am sure a smart, capable young lady like you will go far. Good luck.

    Jerry in PA

  34. Saw you speak at the rally. I was with my daughter and 2 grandaughters. So, 3 generations of women! Your speech was thoughtful and a better one than brainless Palin could do. Keep up the fight.

  35. Hi Shannyn, I am the listener who sent you and Jon Elliott the compliment last night. You both made history with your not giving up and getting to the truth on Troopergate. I can not believe Sarah Palin can stand before the nation and lie and say she has been vindicated. For 8 years we have listened to lies from Bush & Cheney. They did it in ways that it could have been taken as truth, but Sarah Palin lies knowing the entire nation know she is lying. She is a disgrace, how can she call herself an American. If I had young children I would have a hard time right now teaching them right from wrong, that lying is bad when there’s a woman out there running for VP who is clearly lying. It makes me wonder how she raised her own children. We seem to have a lot of information about one of her children, what about the rest. Keep doing what you’re doing. As you said, truth is not partisan. Marilyn from Florida

  36. You ROCK sister.

    Your voice is strong, your words are clear. WOW.

    Strong work. Perhaps, patriotic even.

  37. While Sarah does not represent me and my politics I find myself wanting to distance myself from the same kind of Ann Coulter turned lefty ring to your words. Apparently it is your niche. I like hearing the facts when I can get them, but… when skating close to the edge is going on believe me mature and thoughtful thinkers know its dangers and recoil. Please get there soon. There are lots of fine examples out there to study. Your credibility is your most valuable asset… I look forward to many years of checking in for food for thought.

  38. Hi Shannyn,

    I am a grandmother in WA and listen to the Jon Elliott show every night. It is delayed broadcast here on KPOJ out of Portland, OR. I LOVE your Palinoscopy contributions and look forward to listening every night. When I was a little girl, my uncles worked around Fairbanks somewhere every Summer to work their way through college. Sarah Palin makes me think Alaska has changed alot since the 50’s. My uncles were rough and ready and their Dad worked in the mines. She makes it sound religious!!??! LOL

  39. I salute Anne’s courage-her words ring true.Sarah Palin would have you believe she is merely stupid and naive rather than disengenuous and morally bankrupt.It serves her purpose in life, which is to become the defacto Czarina of America.Only this will sustain her voracious ego.Only your applause and worship will appease the tremendous desire in Palin to be an American idol for the low-information voter and Entertainment Tonite.Palin cannot go five days without the company of her daughter and charges the taxpayers of Halaska $20k for expenses for air and hotel bills whilst American boys and girls go a year and more risking their lives defending our freedom with no such contact from their loved ones.As the brother of a severely retarded sibling I am outraged at the parading around of a Downs baby on a noisy stage.My heart goes out to the fired ones, the suckers who trusted their precious vote, and the taxpayers of Wasilla and the state who have been taken for a Missoura boatride.The arrogance and disregard for the intellect and perception of others is the very height of chutzpah.After she is sent packing from the national scene you can rest assured that she will continue the”get in,get it,get out” idiom espoused by some in Ferber’s “Ice Palace” by simply offering Alaskan’s another $1200 bribe should they only re-elect her in 2010.

  40. cont’d-The question is,will Alaskans who were lied to by this “reformer” and wanna-be book-burner stand for further fleecing of the state’s pride and standing after being armed with soon-to-come official revelations re:Brown shirt tactics?Sorry,rhetorical question.She currently stands before us seeking our vote by accusing the opposition of socialist leanings as if she had the intellect to even grasp the meaning of this charge.Sorry Miss Runner Up, but that’s Britain and we are talking strictly 90’s Clinton on the taxation front as proposed by Obama and his advisers.As more data comes in that the Demo platform re: the economy is the more viable alternative and better for more Americans,Palin only comes across as bigger business’ lackey. I fervently hope that Americans send Palin a message come Nov. 4th-‘dark cannot change dark,only light can change the dark’.The ultra-conservative “right” lobs softballs at Palin and goes all righteous indignation when the “gotcha media” questions her very existance based on the evidence that she is a human tape recording of talking points and cannot form a coherent thought of her own accord{see V.P. responsibilities}…

  41. cont’d Why did she try to ban books and fire the librarian?What about the bullying tactics re: the public official who refused to sign off on the “hit” and unlawfully fire Palin’s ex brother- in -law which-officially-resulted in an “abuse of power” charge following the public officials’ firing?Why can’t Palin-this week!!!-state what the duties of a V.P. are and obviously lies re: the July 08 Kudlow interview in which she was” only joking” re: asking Kudlow “what does a V.P. do”? Flip-flop on the bridge to nowhere?Christian Family Values that include out-of-wedlock conception?Cut 2% of the state budget in two years?…

  42. When given a chance by Brian Williams tonight to respond to the attacks against Palin,she went all “censorship/librarian” indignant as in it never happened,did not give any detailed accounting of herself on that issue,and refused to address anything else.The reason is obvious.I cannot begin to explain how shocked I am that our country has found itself in a situation where parents and teachers must try to explain to children what is going on .It as if America went to a Capra movie but someone had inserted a script collaborated on by Aaron Burr and Lucifer.If you want to know what the dealio is,see the movie “A Face In The Crowd” w/Andy Griffith in the Sarah Palin role and Patricia Neal as us.Power corrupts,and I cannot believe an American would put the nation-and by extension the world-at risk by accepting an invitation for which that American was wholly unqualified for based on a total lack of ability now,or the traits of human decency,humility,integrity,or fair play,ever. At least not a thinking American. My heart weeps for John McCain, but please do not vote for him.I believe he was snookered as was Alaska,but that error cannot ever tarnish his great service to his country.Someone once wrote that what this country needs is a good 5 Cent Vice President but all jokes aside,a heart,some courage,and a brain would be my recipe for a ” one heartbeat away from leading the free world” ingredient in the stew that we call OUR earth.So it is written and so may it be done that only those who would seek to be lighthouses in a dark and foggy world will be made known to us and will lead us with the wisdom and courage we require to be a valiant,peace seeking nation amongst the family of man.Wolves in sheeps clothing need not apply.

  43. Hey, what’s this? A secret area on your blog for me to leave a comment on! How did I miss this? Whooooopppiiieee!

  44. I love your astronomical intelligence. You are a continuing inspiration to my dreams

  45. My cousin had a link to your blog on her Facebook site. Small world! Love what you’re doing!!

  46. Just another Homer-ite finding you in the small small world of the web… hope all is well with you and your family!

  47. Before anyone thinks the GOP is over their “crush” on Sarah… think again. The Religious Right are charter members of the Council for National Policy, which hijacked the GOP during the 80’s & never let go. Ck out the CNP on Wikipedia & get a clue – these folks backed Palin once their media boys fell in head first back in Aug of 07 (NYTimes: “Palin’s Love Boat”).

    The Religious Right has adopted Sarah as their new “cause” … she fits their mold. One blog should give you pause like Family Research Counsel’s FRC KitchenTable blog:


    Like rapid dogs, members of CNP will attack Obama & members of his administration just like they financed all the junk-yard dogs sent after both Clintons. Thanks to Rush, “hoodlums” is the new code word for conservatives to use as red meat. Big money is funneled through their 501(c)(3) to foot the bill.

    CNP’s tax-exempt status was challenged by the IRS… the Tax Court sided with CNP (“education” is part of their stated purpose, regardless of secrecy!)! That’s a lot of tax revenue folks so let’s flex our public muscle to demand an full-scale investigation.

    As public watchdogs, we cannot rest or we will see another “Contract With America” to turn back to GOP control of the House in 2010.

  48. Shannyn,
    “You Rock!”

    ON ALASKA! They’re smoke’n much, much more
    up there than Salmon.

    Yep links like the following do prove there state of
    mind and frankly why do foolish left-wingers bother to put there silly 2 cents in here, or elsewhere? GIT’A GRIP, THE WAR IS OVER AND WE WON! AND WE’VE YET TO BEGIN OUR FIGHT

    Got Scary??

  49. Quick question for you: Who is paying Meg Stapleton now?

    As an Alaskan, I hope the state is not paying for her. (I just peaked at Fox news on the web to see what filth they are spewing concerning Greta’s visit to the Palin home. In one of the photos they posted from the visit, there is Meg in the back ground)

    I can’t stand to see or hear her grating voice.

    If you know, let us know!

    Thanks Shannyn!

  50. Fell over your website and was so pleased to read your thoughts. Of course, I agree with what you say . As the Bush presidency was winding to a close, I could not bring myself to believe any decent, informed American would vote for another 4 years of Republican administration. And despite my American friend’s scepticism, we have a new era upon us.
    Similarly, here in Australia, we turfed out the Conservatives after 10 years of bullsh*t last November. Here they go under the name of The Liberal Party and were led by a lying, malevolent little turdicle called John Howard. The beautiful irony was that he lost his own seat.
    Thanks for your site and your clear thinking.
    Best Regards

  51. Shannyn, I just saw you on Rachel’s show tonite, and wanted to check out your site.

    Great job!

    trish in SW FL

  52. Shannyn, I am, of course, ignorant of all the knowledge you command about Sarah. Could you provide any dirty “facts” to me so I too can be an angry stupid jealousbot as yourself. he he! Oh, sorry. She She! We We?
    Keep working hard for nothing, but YOUR ego- girl.
    Larry, in the great state of Washington.

  53. Shannyn, Saw you on Rachel’s show tonight. I find all of this suspicious as well. Glad to see someone is staying on top of this. Thanks. Trying to be helpful: That orange jacket/shirt you were wearing tonight, looks a little too much like a prison jumpsuit on TV.

  54. Hey Shannyn. I saw that Palin brought up William Ayers again today during her interview with Wolf Blitzer. She says that she still feels that it’s a valid discussion and worries about President Elects past associations, to include Rev. Wright.

    Perhaps you could help me understand something.

    Why has nobody ever questioned her about her association with the Alaskan Independence Party (AIP)? Supposedly, Todd was an active member until 2002 and she spoke at their conference in June 2008, telling them to “keep up the good work.”

    She seemed so concerned about non-contextual comments by Jeremiah Wright, but never said anything about Vogler saying “The fires of hell are frozen glaciers compared to my hatred for the American government. And I won’t be buried under their damn flag. I’ll be buried in Dawson. And when Alaska is an independent nation they can bring my bones home.”

    What’s up with that? Why won’t the media touch on her association with the AIP?

    And what about her paster who asked god to “open doors for her”. Is he still hunting witches? Will Wasilla be the next Salem?

    I find it rich that she is so quick to play guilt by association, but doesn’t seem at all concerned about her own associations.

    Is the AIP feared in Alaska? Do they have some sort of power that would prevent the media from investigating her and Todd’s relationship with them?

  55. One more question for you Shannyn.

    What’s the consensus in Alaska about Trig? I’ve looked and looked, but haven’t found any photos of Gov. Palin from Mar.-May 2008. A bit strange that there are no photos of the Governor of a State for such a long period.

    Apparently, there are no birth records on the day that Trig was supposedly born. The few photos that I did see of Sarah when she was supposedly 7 months pregnant seem fishy.

    Surely, it would be easy to find out the facts about this whole conspiracy theory and settle it once and for all.

    Did anyone see Bristol from Jan-May 2008? Are there any photos of her at all during that period?

    I find the whole thing very ‘fishy’ too.

    Did you see Sarah during her pregnancy and did you think the whole thing is a bit odd?

  56. How sadly entertaining and richly educational was your “break up” with Olbermann. You are a very gifted writer with a command of Alaskan history and politics. I truly enjoyed your piece.

    I must assume you are not the only Alaskan “of intellect” and that begs the question, How was she elected to such a position of authority in your beautiful state?

    I lived my first 40 years in Florida and now the last 12 in Western New York. It has long been my dream to take an Alaskan cruise or even better, take a ride up the Al-Can and be free to explore. Even “she” can’t dash that dream.

  57. Shannyn, this is a wonderful photograph of you.

    You are beautiful — and a wonderful writer. Thanks for sharing your words and picture with us.


    Ellen Kimball
    (Formerly Radio_Lady at http://www.democraticunderground.com)
    50 years in media and still chugging along

    You can read my story at my blog:

    PS. Look forward to your appearances in the future. I believe I’ve heard you occasionally on KPOJ, Portland, OR, but not sure which show!

  58. As a 3-1/2 year resident of Seattle North (aka Anchorage), in the golden age of Wally Hickel and Bill Sheffield, who was in Juneau, Sitka, Nome, Dutch Harbor, Akutan, Nikolski, Homer and Kotzebue, who saw Don Young drunk out of his gourd at the Roadhouse in Nome (if God wanted us to be sober,

    As a 3-1/2 year year resident of Seattle North (aka Anchorage) in the golden age of Wally Hickel and Bill Sheffield, as a visitor to the city of broken fanbelts (aka Fairbanks), Juneau, Sitka, Cordova, Cold Harbor, Dutch Harbor, Akutan, Nikolski, Kodiak, Nome, St. Lawrence Island, Kotzebue, Circle and Homer, as one who saw Don Young falling off his chair at the Roadhouse in Nome (if God wanted us to be sober, He wouldn’t have given us Everclear), as a member in good standing of the Board of Trade and the Montana Club, I say that Sister Sarah, following her exorcism by the witch doctor, is the greatest ever boon to Democrats. If that kid who knocked up her daughter has a clue, he’ll get out of Dodge in a New York minute. Ted Stevens may be taking in boarders.

  59. Shannyn, first time post, long time read and listen! I live in San Francisco. I wish you would have been in CA leading the charge against Prop 8. Maybe we would have had a different outcome! I have seen you on KO and Rachel Maddow. I have listened to you on Jon Elliot’s show and heard you on Pacifica Radio. Will you post the next time you are on the radio somewhere I can listen? I think you’re gifted both in your written and spoken word. I have a feeling you will be a force to be reckoned with for some time. Everything has a silver lining. Palin’s emergence on the national scene has brought along with it the gift of your strong presence! This Thanksgiving, I am thankful for you!!! THANKS for all you do!

  60. Happy Thanksgiving….and yes we do have much to be thankful for. I am especially thankful, for you Shannyn. I wish I could attend the Muckraker’s Ball!

    I am posting a couple sites for petition signatures. They are very important, and many of you have probably already signed. If not, please take the time, as it only takes a moment, and pass them on. re: aerial hunting and killing pups…known as”denning” murder.

    Thank you and have a blessed holiday!



  61. hi Shanny, sorry … can’t make Muckraker’s Ball … arrive a few days later. Are they holding it in one of those unused FEMA “prisons” (wondered where they hid the budget for these save the politicians centers – like the one in Bellevue/Redmond area for geeks and creeps).

    Miss being across the mike … but I just gotta tell others that you are scarey good with that ability to remember what your talkers and interviewers said … so quick. Anchor heads are missing out by not giving you a show just to demonstrate God’s given talent.

    Rock on!

  62. Happy New Year, and thank you for your voice in the world. I do so wish I were able to pick up some of your radio spots, but here on Lookout Mountain, in your old ‘hood, it’s tough getting anything unless I’m online – which i try to limit as I live off solar power. Where are all the IT geek pirate radio auteurs when you need them?

    As an independent-libertarian-green-conservationist-fiscal-conservative-social-democrat, I long for discussions that aren’t shrieks from the “you’re either with us or against us” bombasts, who should be sidelined but who have somehow managed to command the stage – on either side of the argument. Red, blue, when will hear a HUMAN radio network?

    I worked as an environmentalist on the pipeline for 5 years – during BOTH W hijacks of our nation’s highest office. I used to wonder, who ARE these people who voted for this guy? Well, they became my family, working together, sharing 3 meals a day, holidays, as I lived on the Line. I so valued the “night shift” chats I had with my co-workers – no holds barred political and social discussions we had in secret, as they defied the company’s HIRD policy. I learned so much about folks whose views are so different from mine, but the mutual respect that evolved was priceless. The best compliment I ever received was a card from the crew when I left the company. It arrived at my home, filled to brimming with notes about how I influenced their waste practices, teasing my green habits, but confessing they embraced them. We don’t agree on the road to travel, but we share many of the same hopes, dreams, and desires for ourselves, our families, and the generations to come. As often as I felt alienated in this environment, and longed to have a single ear from my “tribe,” I value these years as an invaluable education about people.

    I look forward to checking in on your blog. Feel free to visit mine!


  63. Okay, now you have the right return e-mail address.

  64. I love your site. Keep it up !

  65. To your critics who call you un-American:
    “Here in America we are descended in blood and in spirit from revolutionists and rebels – men and women who dare to dissent from accepted doctrine. As their heirs, may we never confuse honest dissent with disloyal subversion.”
    – Dwight D. Eisenhower

    When did patriotic mean you had to buy into the lie perpetrated by those who seek to turn this nation into a Theocracy? The worst thing the Republicans did was turn the reins over to the religious whack jobs!

  66. Shannyn—Hi! How can anybody hate you! I think you’re so cute and you destroy Rush Limbaughs’ assertion that all Liberal babes are ugly. HA! He has never seen you. Thanks for your opinions.—Tom

  67. FYI

    Villagers trapped by expanding fire near Homer
    Residents of Voznesenka were trapped Wednesday night in a powerless town, their only road to the outside world blocked by an explosively expanding brush fire burning east of Homer.

    SEE adn.com

    This is terrible…I wish I had the $$ to send you down there.

    My condolences to everyone in the Homer area and my prayers for the folks in Vosnesenka…

  68. Shannyn, I love your clarity and courage in speaking truth to power! I wish you were here in Kansas to inject a stimulant into the lazy and conservative media. We need some Blue here, too!

  69. Smart Radio?

    I didn’t know such a thing existed in the USA?

    Good luck, keep fighting the good fight.

  70. A breath of fresh air where the likes of KSRM seem to think that their way of conservitism is the only way. Republicans of the far right radical side of politics are so entrenched in the media here that a solid thinking midle of the road democrat hasn’t got a chanch.

  71. Shannyn,
    Have you checked your geneology?? I’m from the Original Moore Clan,who came to NY Colony in the 1700’s. Rev,(Bishop) Benjimin Moore was the Clan’s Chief,from Castle Amordra (Ireland).
    Seeing that your folks are Pasters,maybe there’s a distant family tie.
    Love your show! But I’m more establishment Conservative!

  72. I heard you this morning on Talk of AK and loved the program which benefited greatly from your contribution to it. I plan to tune in to KBYR to catch you show on Saturday.

    Liberal and proud of it and glad there is a counterbalance to the crap spewed on KSRM,


  73. Shannyn’s Keith O; Sarah is very erratic right now, like a jet powered Golf Cart , you never know where it will end up belongs in some sort of Genius hall of fame! Who ever doesn’t love Shannyn is possesed & down for the count!

  74. Happy independence day to your country, girl. Nice to read your blog. Keep writing and sharing girl.

  75. Dear Shannyn: I’m living in the same house in Pine Bluff, Arkansas that I moved to at age 15. It’s not far from Immanuel Baptist Church, where Former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee used to be the pastor. He’s a con-artist. I used to attend that church before I lost my religion. For the past few years I’ve waged an internet smear campaign against Huckabee.

  76. I found out about you from a link on CNN showing that fucking fascist Palin trying to silence you. Don’t let her, keep exposing the truth. I really, really liked the video you posted with “Let It Ring”…I’m a huge Indigo Girls fan, and I’d never heard that song.

    The right will implode but we have to keep pushing and digging and telling the truth about their agenda.

    Keep up the good work! You have a new fan in Oregon!

  77. Palinoscopy. That’s very funny. First time to your blog. It’s so apparent that the right is enamored with Palin. Personally, I’d like to hear her use a sentence that made sense just once: one that does not ramble from one thought or lack thereof to another. I do hope she runs for president and gets chosen. It will further cement and marginalize the republican party to one of the south with some Alaska. No original thoughts. They’d eat her up internationally.

  78. You’re doing a great job Shannyn.

  79. Good luck ,if the anti-intellectual x Gov. Palin sues you.

    I think the Palin ego will push her to be as big as
    Rush and Anne Coulter against the real formerly silent majority
    we liberals.
    Funny the Republican’s have owned the radio media
    with their lunatics ranting on against the Democrats.

  80. Great job Shannyn. Where could we listen to your show? I bet you soon will have millions of listeners

    In the meantime can you investigate this claim by Palin?

    The one thing that struck me the most on her resignation speech besides the “point guard” analogy (forgetting that a good point guard doesn’t quit in the middle of the game to get a better contract in 3 years) is the following:

    “I gathered my family (she never misses a chance to somehow throw her family into a speech to get the “family value” vote) and asked what do you think? I got four yes’s and …. hell yeahhhhh!!!! Wow so nice .. Is this really how she operates? Her decisions (this one being maybe the toughest) are made by 14 and 7 years-old? What if 4 said No and one Hell Nooo?

    If this is true. That’s not good. If she just lied to falsly paint a picture of a family woman, that’s not good either.. Could you press her on this detail

  81. Shannyn,
    Love your site. Used to live in Homer, wish I had met you.

    If Palin is going to answer a higher calling, she’s going to need a lot of turd polish. Dr Guff makes a fine product. Maybe you could buy her a can as a peace offering. Maybe one for Meg also.


  82. “For the past few years I’ve waged an internet smear campaign against Huckabee.”

    Why would you choose to publish that? Not a good idea.

  83. You cannot be a “Patriot. Constitutionalist. Lover of Freedom.” AND a liberal.

    Sorry. It doesn’t work that way.

  84. Shannon you’re the definition of a fascist.

    Sarah Palin raised a family, is an admirable mother and a popularly elected (formerly) official.

    You on the other hand have made a name for yourself by attacking other with you diarrhea flooded mouth.

    You’re a discredit to the feminist movement and an outright failure as a good human being.

    Watch your back!

  85. She was on Keith O. This shows that she is NOT a Constitutionalist but just another liberal hack!

  86. TJ, You’re right–we have enough anti-Americans on the air. When do you think that Rush Limbaugh will give up his radio job? Hmmmm?

    Shannyn, you rock, girl!

  87. Amusing how people go out of their way to come to your blog to complain, yet post a fictitious or anonymous name.

  88. Ok…I’m straight now. Shannyn…are you single?

  89. Shannyn, just want to say that you are a “Great American. You are right on about the Palin resignation. Keep it coming.

  90. Saw you on Countdown yesterday the 6th… you’re awesome. Keep up the good work!


  91. Congratulations on your award Shannyn. You richly deserve it. Thanks for all you do! Sending E-hugs to you.

  92. I’m amazed that Palin has the nerve to threaten you – glad that people like you stood up to this tin pot dictator.

  93. you are a star. Very courageous and NOT A QUITTER!! Thankyou.

    Anybody that has not understood that Sarah Palin has consistently and deliberately lied to everybody, even her supporters, by now, will probably never learn. But I am optimistic. She is not going to sue you, because that was ANOTHER lie.

  94. God Bless you Shannon.

    Stay strong. keep your integrity, keep your nerve.
