Posted by: shannynmoore | February 19, 2009

Breaking News: Western Alaska Relief

I have just learned Senator Mark Begich spent today in Bethel teleconferencing several villages in the area, including Emmonak .

Before Governor Sarah Palin even stepped on a plane with the Reverend Franklin Graham in tow, a solution is at hand.

Both Senator Begich and Senator Murkowski, working with The Bureau of Indian Affairs, have secured money for the people in need, and it is immediate. A press release is scheduled in the next several hours from Senator Begich on the details. I’ll let you know more when it is released.

This just in from Julie:

BIA Announces Emergency Funding for Emmonak

News comes during trip to Bethel with Sen. Begich

Traveling to Bethel with U.S. Sen. Mark Begich today, Bureau of Indian Affair’s (BIA) regional director for Alaska, Niles Cesar, announced the BIA will provide emergency financial assistance to help residents in Emmonak struggling with the price of fuel.

At a video conference arranged with several villages through the Yukon Kuskokwim Health Corporation, Cesar told participants that the BIA has agreed to waive eligibility rules so more people in Emmonak can receive assistance of up to $1,000.

“I am extremely pleased that the BIA has answered Senator Lisa Murkowski and my request for assistance to help these residents get through the winter,” Sen. Begich said. “This is not a long-term solution, but it’s a step in the right direction. I am hopeful the State of Alaska will step in and help solve this for the future.”

Sen. Begich arranged the meeting in Bethel today and asked BIA officials to go with him. Cesar said the assistance may range from $400 to $1,000 depending on a person’s income. He didn’t know how many people would eventually receive the extra help, but said the average person will receive around $500.

Cesar also said his office is requesting the wavier be made available to 56 villages in Western Alaska and to 11 villages in the Northwest Arctic. Sen. Begich endorsed the request to expand the waiver to help more villages.


  1. Good job, well done. Brilliant timing!

  2. Sweet. I love that a) the people in this part of Alaska are getting the help they need and b)Palin is going to have egg on her face for being (yet again) a day late and a dollar short.

  3. what? no Samiritan Purse? no unnecessary news media outlets? just good old fashioned work putting “government back on the side of the people”? AND a bipartisan effort to boot? oh my holy heck! did they just trump the governor’s latest attempt at self-propagandizing? i’m giddy over here. well, way down here in the lower 48. just GIDDY!

  4. Hallelujah!

  5. Gee, talk about stealing SP’s thunder! Hey, Sarah Palin and Samaritan Purse are both SPs!

  6. Wonderful! A BiPartisan and Non-SP short term solution! Kudos to the junior and senior senators from Alaska. And just before queen Gino also arrives too with her evangelical helper there photo ops working to progress this assistance that….(palinese makes my head hurt!).

    Maybe, just maybe, the gino will finally work with the state legislators to develop long-term solutions.

  7. Why do I feel this will not make bible spice happy?

  8. This is good news indeed!

  9. wow very nice
    really i like this blog

  10. Well researched and beautifully written as usual.

    Great job Shanny!

  11. Good news.

  12. I realize no one is commenting on this post but:

    Doesn’t the amount of assistance seem a bit, oh, I don’t know… inadequate ?

    Isn’t stuff like really expensive in AK?

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