Posted by: shannynmoore | December 27, 2009

Moore Up North – Christmas Episode

My panelists this week:

Lennie Moran who was attacked with a machete in 2007 and Alaska State Trooper Alfred Borrego who was the first officer to respond to the attack.
-Senator Hollis French, AK State Senator and 2010 Democratic Candidate for Governor
-Dr. Monique Karaganis, Anchorage Pediatritian
-Vince Beltrami, President of the Alaska AFL-CIO

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

Part 5:

Our next live taping will be on January 7, 2010.  We’d love to have you be part of our live audience.  Email us for tickets at


  1. Shannyn, my hubby is IBEW (laid off after last winter’s icestorm)….he was paying $5 an hour for his part of the IBEW union health insurance and NEVER got to take advantage of it because when he was home, it was Saturday and Sunday (and often not that). Regular health care peeps get to have weekends off. Sometimes hubby wasn’t home for weeks.
    Taxes on the union alleged “Cadillac plan” is completely bogus, at least when it comes to IBEW. Hubby made great money on storm break but his life was on the line and some whiney customers STILL complained because their power was out.
    MY power was out while hubby was gone! But I have a generator and woodstoves…and now have NO health insurance.
    At least the whiners have health insurance.

  2. Great show! Even though I’m not an American resident I appreciated the health care debate. And thanks, Shannyn, for having Lennie and Trooper Borrego as guests. So inspirational, both of them.

  3. Shannyn – Thanks so much for posting your show! It’s (online) the only way I get to see it from my hilltop in Aus – and I think you and your panels are terrific 🙂

    Oh! What were the pressies and where can I view them?

  4. As usual, GREAT guests & panel! I always love your show.

    May I offer some critique though? Granted, I only have hearing in one ear. Your previous shows Youtubes were so soft from my laptop so I went out and bought earphones (JUST to be able to watch your show).

    NOW, I can hear BUT there doesn’t seem to be any equalizing of volumes. Like, the Trooper whispering in YT#1 (I think his mic may have been clipped on his left, while he kept turning to speak to you sitting on his right side away from his mic).

    To try to crank up the volume in order to hear, BLAST. The audience clapping is downright painful, and never able to anticipate. Is there any sound person that’s working on the taping of your shows? Someone who might be able to adjust volumes accordingly? Yes, it’s understood the boisterous applause is part of a show, but it just seems like there could be something to make it more correct.

    Sorry to seem grumpy, but it’s been an issue every session so far. Thanks for considering the hearing impaired.

  5. Shannyn, what a great show. I must say that I was so touched by Lonnie & the State Trooper. You guys seemed like old friends. You are so genuine and it comes across on your show and the way you write.
    I, myself have had some ”events” in my life and when they were over I always found a way to try to make the most out of it. If you can’t get a laugh out of something what’s the sense of experiencing it ?
    I live in a totally different world from Alaska. I grew up in Manhattan & now I live by the ocean. Yet I feel like Alaska is my adopted ”home”. Because of you,Gyphen, Jeanne and the others you make us be a part of your world.
    You guys represent you State & it’s issues so well.
    OMG when I first saw The Hostess of Hee Haw, I thought that if this is the best & the brightest they are in big trouble. What I know now is that she is a just a hick in a cheap jacket(crushed red roses) and does not speak for everyone.
    Happy New Year to All, And to Sister S’error,let the games begin. I believe your luck has run out.
    Thanks for making us a part of your world.

  6. Also,too the sound was good this week yet sometimes it is difficult to hear everything. I’m not complaining it’s that I’m getting old and parts are breaking down.
    And,also,too I love the show Alaskan State Troopers. Although they are tough they also show a lot of compassion & kindness towards their people especially towards the Native Alaskans.
    I’m impressed.

  7. One of your best shows!

    Thank you for giving all of us an opportunity to meet Lennie Moran and Alaska State Trooper Alfred Borrego. To me that was the highlight of the show.

    Keep up the good work!

  8. Shannyn you are correct, Lennie Moran is certainly an inspiration to us all. What a brave and beautiful person. Thank you for bringing her on your show and sharing her and Trooper Alfred Borrego with those of us in the lower 48. Very inspiring for all.

  9. What a great show! How fortunate you are to be able to say you have met and now know Lennie Moran and Trooper Borrego. They have got to be two of the most humble people on this earth.

    Your panel was also great. Wish I could vote in your next Gubernatorial election, I’d vote for Hollis French for sure.

    Loved your closing comment “Democracy is a verb”!

    Great show Shannyn – thank you so much.

    Have a wonderful and safe New Year’s Eve!

  10. Wonderful! You are such a talented interviewer. Only had time for the first two, I’ll finish the rest tonight.

  11. Thank you for keeping us informed and up to snuff! I feel pretty damned informed!! At least I feel smarter!

  12. Thanks for a wonderful show! The health care debate was particularly interesting, but seeing Trooper Borego and Ms Moran was a great way to start off the new year. I love to see good people get recognized for their courage and determination.

  13. At least Parnal is trying to do SOMETHING about Alaska’s rape and assault problem.
    You folk FOR SURE have zero idea about how to reduce it.
    You get on the air and take pot-shots at anyone with half a chance at helping, while you
    sit around and talk, talk, talk without doing anything.
    It’s really simple, you either go secular or religious to solve the problem. We have been trying
    to solve the problem through secular solutions for decades and it has been a TOTAL failure.
    Why not try something different? To sitting around and throw stones at someone with an idea,
    when you have none, is extremely stupid.
    A 50 point lead in the race? Just maybe folks in Alaska are tired of your same old anti
    rape solutions, which have not been working. Parnal could go to China for all I care, if
    someone over there had a good idea about reducing our rape rate.
    You don’t like Jame Dobson? GREAT lets hear a BETTER solution, rather than a
    mindless “I don’t know what to do but I sure hate Jame Dobson!”
    What are you guys thinking?
    “I have no clue but I sure don’t want anyone else to try to fix this mess…”
    You guys are sooooo bleeding left-wing liberial gee I wonder why I never watch your show?
    So you guys are pushing French. Why not just state that up front and stop the sideways
    slams on the other guys? I had no idea who to vote for in the governor’s race but now
    Parnal is looking pretty good.

    Don Johnson
    Soldotna, Alaska

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