Posted by: shannynmoore | October 30, 2008

Palin Oozes Abuse of Power or Liar Liar Palin on Fire!

The picture we Alaskans and the rest of America have of Governor Palin is becoming clearer by the day. It’s now widely known that the Governor of Alaska went on a $150,000 shopping spree courtesy of the Republican National Committee. $150,000! That’ll buy a lot of blouses. Certainly, the GOP has the right to dress their candidate up anyway they like. However, it flies in the face of the faux image they’re trying to project of Sarah the Hockey Mom appealing to Joe Six Pack or more recently, Joe The Lying Unlicensed Plumber who votes against his own best interests. In early October, before the infamous and excessive shopping spree was public fodder, I ran into a radio friend of mine who is famously good friends with Governor Palin. Wanting to keep the conversation positive, I mentioned how cool it must be for the governor to have all of this exposure and new found world wide fame. I told him I was most envious of the new wardrobe Palin has; I mean, as the Republican Vice-Presidential Candidate, it must be an awesome perk. Certainly the GOP will spend a few thousand bucks to dress up their new golden girl. My friend said no, not at all. He told me the McCain Campaign offered, but, in true Maverick Fashion, Sarah declined. He said she told them she had plenty of clothes for the next several weeks of non-stop campaigning. Hhhhmmmm. We know Sarah Palin loves gifts. Free is a very good price my friend. Sarah put herself and her daughter up in a posh $700 a night New York hotel on Alaska’s dime. She took 300+ days of per diem while working from her home. She flew her family around the state and the Lower 48 on “state business” and expensed $20,000+, again courtesy of the State of Alaska-even though her family was not invited and it was certainly not state business. Apparently, this clear and transparent governor accepted $25,000 of gifts-most of them from multinational mining interests and she hasn’t even been in office 2 years.

A good portion of those gifts were from mining interests representing The Pebble Partnership. Those interests represent a trifecta of foreign owned multinational corporations; Northern Dynasty, Rio Tinto and Anglo American. These corporations hold the leases to the proposed Pebble Mine. This copper and gold mine has deposits worth an estimated $500 billion dollars. It will be one of the largest open pit mines in the world and precariously sit at the headwaters of the largest wild salmon fishery on the planet, Bristol Bay, in one of the largest seismic and volcanic zones on earth. This mining gift discovery by Outside Media provides a glimpse into Palin’s motivations last August when she unethically and controversially “took her governor’s hat off” and told Alaskan’s she was going to vote no on ballot measure 4.

Her sound bite speak, which we now know is just about the only way the governor can communicate in public, now seems like a well orchestrated multi media campaign. Especially in light of the revelation that the lobbyist for the Pebble Partnership, Wendy Chamberlain, is friendly enough with the governor that she took Palin’s daughter Willow on a family vacation to Mexico. The week before the state wide election on Tuesday, August 26th, Palin called a press conference. At the conclusion, during the question and answer part, someone asked Palin how she would vote on Ballot Measure 4-the clean water initiative. Palin responded, “Let me take my governor’s hat off just for a minute here and tell you, personally, Prop 4 — I vote no on that. I have all the confidence in the world that the DEC (Department of Environmental Conservation) and our DNR (Department of Natural Resources) have great, very stringent regulations and policies already in place,” Palin said. “We’re going to make sure that mines operate only safely, soundly.” At that time, Palin had an approval rating of nearly 90%. The next morning and every day until the election, Alaskans were bombarded with a print, radio and direct mail campaign showing Governor Palin, herself a sometime commercial fisherman, holding a Bristol Bay Salmon and reassuring Alaskans everything would be fine and that we didn’t need stronger regulations because stringent regulations were already in place; if only that were true.

Truth be told, Palin has her unpopular predecessor, Frank Murkowski to thank for her popularity. A vegemite sandwich would be wildly popular following the arrogant and secretive Murkowski Administration. One of Republican Governor Frank Murkowski’s more unpopular decisions was Executive Order 107. With one swipe of the pen, Murkowski collapsed the Habitat Division from the Department of Fish & Game into the Department of Natural Resources. Habitat Biologist were charged with insuring that proposed leases from the Department of Natural Resources (on behalf of the oil and mining industries) met stringent environmental standards. Habitat approved 99% of the DNR leases. After EO 107, the fox, DNR, was charged with guarding the henshouse (Habitat). In addition, mixing zones were created that allowed industry to pollute salmon spawning streams. To Palin’s credit, after intense public pressure, she moved Habitat back to Fish & Game. She did not, however, eliminate “mixing zones”. After lobbying the legislature to change the laws to no avail, Alaskans for Clean Water wrote Ballot Prop 4, the Clean Water Initiative. This initiative restored the environmental regulations to Pre Murkowski standards.

With the conviction of Ted Steven on seven felony counts, Sarah Palin was asked how she would cast her ballot.

Q: So will you cast your ballot for Ted Stevens and are you encouraging others to do so? […]

PALIN: I’ve never told people who I have voted for before because I see that as a very precious freedom in our country. Free and fair and uh – elections allow us to cast a secret ballot behind the voting booth curtain so that’s the way I’m going to keep it.

She lied. Again. She has told people how she would vote.

Being a fisherman is something you are, not something you do. Governor Palin’s disregard for the lives of so many Alaskans can be put on a long list of self serving decisions. Bigger still is her “dodging” the question about how she would vote for Senator Stevens.  It wasn’t a dodge, it was a lie.

America needs change. Alaska needs change.




  1. Love this article and all the truth you bring.
    Alaska does have to change and if the beauty of Alaska remains, Gov. Palin and those like her have to go. So far, the Bush/Republicans have tried to ruin every beautiful thing we have, for the money–including our world wide reputaion. We cannot continue to live this way.
    Thankyou very much for all you do.

  2. Here here.
    As always, summed up brilliantly. I’ve been working around the clock with my ties nationwide, trying to expose Palin as the person we have unfortunately come to see. I’ve got a youtube video that is gaining a tiny bit of traction, and I think more people need to see it. It’s all fact checked and nothing out of the ordinary for all of us in Alaska. But the media would rather report on her wardrobe than the big issues. Granted, her wardrobe is an expensive, horrific story… But how about the reality of her terrifying stances on abortion and wildlife conservation?

  3. many apologies for the incomplete post.

  4. The Palin’s don’t love Alaska they wouldn’t gamble with one of Alaska’s greatest renewable resources. The very resource that she and Todd grew up fishing on! That speaks volumes. I guess they feel the world is their oyster, there for their exploitation. They are users. Users of whatever and whomever can take them to the next level of wealth or political ascendancy.

    I had missed the info on the Chamberlain Mexico vacation. That just reaks of political corruption.

    Sarah is ducking for political cover with the easy, ” my vote is a sacred right”, line. What BS! How does stating how your going to vote on anything somehow threaten an indivduals right to vote? More convoluted schitzospeak from our governor.

  5. What unnerves me most about the events surrounding Palin & Stevens in the last couple of months is that not only do they think they are above the law, with a sense of entitlement, but the fact that they are getting away with it. Ethics & laws doesn’t exist in their reality & they have the supporter surrounding them backing them up.

    The talk of Sarah running for president in 2012 is ridiculous. When she comes back, I hope that all of her unethical doings will come to light in a court of law & that she will not have a platform on which to run for anything. Not even the PTA president.

  6. What I find offensive and scary about her and Stevens is not how they react to whether they are guilty or not…it is the way Alaskans react and feel it was not their fault it was the Liberals that caused Palin and Stevens to do what they did, or that they were framed.

    Or, I see posted that most Alaskans say, they don’t care if they did what they did, they will still vote for them.

    I am sorry but I now believe Alaska wants and loves corruption and do anything for that check she sends them…they can be bought.

    Slam me if you want, but it just smacks of bad politics.

    Obama/Biden ’08

  7. Another brilliant observation!

    Thanks for all you do!

  8. Wow, thanks for a fresh perspective, it never even crossed my mind (as inland person) that fishing could be a factor…

  9. Thank you again for your excellent posts. Most of down here in the lower 48 never hear about any of this. While the $150,000 wardrobe(and makeover) isn’t what I would consider an issue nearly as important as others, at least it focused a lot of attention on Palin’s character-and at least it was widely reported while just about everything else is not. From the blogs I have seen many people still believe the image of Palin that the GOP is spinning-and with the MSM as a willing accomplice, how can they know otherwise? I always refer them to your site.
    Palin says now they she intends to give the clothes back. (I have been telling people: “If you believe that I have a bridge to nowhere to sell you.”) Do you think she WILL return the clothing (and the accesories, shoes, makeup, etc.)? AND how is she going to return a $4000 haircut? Cut it off and sell it on eBay?
    Thanks again for doing what you do,
    Cecily S.
    Obama?Biden 08

  10. Shannyn-

    I am a long time follower and admirer of your ramblings, but take issue with one of your statements in this article.

    Your article leaves the distinct impression that the pebble partnership was responsible for a “substantial portion” of the $25K of gifts that went into the Palins pockets however the ethics gift disclosure forms shown in the linked Washington post article do not detail even a single dollar worth of gifts that came from pebble or any of their parent mining companies.

    Other AK mining ventures (Donlin, Red Dog, etc) that have no direct links to pebble have definitely given Palin gifts but I think you are seriously stretching the facts when you say “A good portion of those gifts were from mining interests representing The Pebble Partnership”. If anything, you should be commending pebble for NOT having joined in the tributes.

    Admittedly, the Washington Post story does indicate that pebble donated cash to Palins inaugural committee just after her election, but that is a far cry from the $25K of gift/bribery represented in Palins ethics disclosure.

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