Posted by: shannynmoore | October 25, 2010


Grab a Redbull and buckle up, Buttercup. The Rachel Maddow Show is coming to Anchorage!
Apparently, our tight, 3-way US Senate Race is generating a lot of national interest.
Rachel did a great 10 minute segment on our crazy race last week:

So, here are the details.  Rachel will be broadcasting live from the new home of Moore Up North, Taproot, TOMORROW, Tuesday, October 26, 2010 at 5:00pm.

Rachel Maddow coming to Taproot!

This is the hottest ticket in town, and the good news is, it’s FREE!  The bad news is there are a limited number of seats.  Here’s how you vie for one of those tickets:

Send an email to .  There is a 2 ticket limit per email.  The emails will assigned tickets on a first-come, first-serve basis.  You will be notified by midnight tonight if you are the lucky recipient of The Rachel Maddow Show tickets-LIVE at TAPROOT!

Taproot, Moore Media and The Rachel Maddow Show reserve the right to refuse admission to anyone.


  1. Shannyn, I hope you got our request. This is so frigging exciting. 🙂

  2. Even if I am not granted tix, I am dancin’ in the streets over this!!!!!!
    OH, Happy Day in The A~K!

  3. Wow. You are amazing, girlfriend!!! You have the clout to bring the fabulous Rachel Maddow to our hot bed of political crazyness. Thank you, thank you, thank you.

  4. Sensational. She couldn’t come to a more friendly and like-minded venue in the whole State.

    Shannyn, enjoy this bright shining moment, the first of many. You restore honor to being a true, bold, intelligent, hard-working and beautiful Alaskan gal (from Homer) progressin what is so authentic and wonderful of our State! You are a superstar!

    Quyana tailucci, welcome Rachel!!! Enjoy the audience of REAL Alaskans.

  5. It would be great to bring to Rachal’s attention the fact that according to the grrlzlist recent survey, there are actual gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender Republicans in Alaska. And who will they be voting for?

  6. Great score for Anchorage. You keep making us proud.

  7. Maybe we can use this National stage to get the word out: It is time to institute Instant Runoff Voting!
    So many races nationwide are in jeopardy of being taken by a 3rd-party Tea Party spoiler who is actually the least desirable candidate among voters. (Like Joe Miller…)
    It’s time to get rid of our antiquated system of vote counting – hopefully BEFORE Sarah Palin runs in 2012 and we face the prospect of a split-ticket Palin Presidency. Ew – I can hardly type that!
    Please check it out – this website has an interactive feature that explains it well:

  8. Great news! I hope you’re able to show her around before she has to go back.

  9. Dang, first come first serve? That blows for those of us working at keeping our sons’ busted arms from causing too much pain, and making deadlines, and cooking dinners, and trying to make it to meetings within 10 minutes of the promised times, and generally being responsible working single parents who happen to really want to see Rachel Maddow even though we don’t own TVs. Nope, first come first serve just don’t seem fair, dang it.

    • Feral D, believe me, this happened all at the last minute. We are thrilled to have Rachel in Alaska and it is a whirlwind tour. If you really want to see Rachel, listen to my show tomorrow from 11am-2pm on KUDO 1080AM. I will be giving away 6 sets of tickets. In addition, as a veteran of concerts, if you really want to go, SHOW UP! There are always last minute cancellations; people get caught up at work. They just won’t make it to Taproot by 4:30pm. If you are there early and get in the line for folks without tickets, you could get inside. Believe me, people have been crawling out of the woodwork trying to get tickets. SHOW UP!

      • The standby line was very short, but they didn’t let anyone from it in.

        The way the ‘lottery’ was done, a friend who is in Arkansas received two tickets.

        • Stephen, I know of at least one person who got in from the standby line.

  10. Shannon,
    Thank you so much for hosting and helping to bring MS. Maddow, a courageous and wonderful woman to AK. I am so hopeful that I will be able to attend show tomorrow at Tap Root, but if not will be there in spirit.Thanks for all that you do Shannon —
    you are greatly appreciate.
    Carol Anne Wolfe

    • Read my reply to Feral D. Listen to my show tomorrow from 11am-2pm. SHOW UP! In my experience, there are always tickets that get turned back. Best of luck!

  11. I’ll be watching for sure.

  12. Hmmm… did the first come first serve tickets go out?

    Didn’t see a response one way or the other and wonder if my email got hung up in spam blocker or something. Sent it around noon yesterday.

    • Eacy Writer-
      We were not in control of the tickets. I can tell you that there were not that many and they were gone FAST.

      Listen to my show today. We will be giving away several pairs of tickets. AND…see my earlier response to Feral D. If there is a will…there is a way. The haves become the have-nots at 4:30pm. You just know some people will be late!

      Good luck.

  13. i will be there outside watching for ANYBODY parking in the fire lane, and calling the cops for tow trucks if there is illegal parking.

  14. Great time, great show! heartfelt thanks for all you did to make it happen. Your remarks were right on (as usual)… good to have so many dems out there fired up. Now, to see Scott’s % rise bigtime in the polls.

  15. […] Taproot, TOMORROW, Tuesday, October 26, 2010 at 5:00 pm. Tickets are free but limited. Go to the announcement on Moore’s blog, Just a Girl from Homer, to request your tickets. Thanks to Shannyn and Linda Kellen Biegel for […]

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