Posted by: shannynmoore | November 11, 2009

Stupak’s Flaccid Amendment Needs No Viagra

Americans Against Chafing (A.A.C.) Unite!

Oh, yes, it’s time. With the House passing a health care bill with the Stupak Amendment, we really need to start talking about this. The political cross-dressers, also known as “Blue Dogs” not only authored, but voted for the Uterus Police.

The Stupak Amendment insured that no federal funds, or federally-funded insurance companies, would be used for abortions.

On Saturday night, 21 of the 39 Democrats who voted for Stupak then proceeded to vote against the Health Care bill.  One-hundred seventy-five Republicans voted for the amendment but against the bill. How about this: If your vote attaches an amendment to a bill you won’t vote for, that nullifies your amendment vote.  I know, it’s the rules…but it feels like someone just ordered an entrée for me from a restaurant I don’t like and now, not only am I forced to eat it-I’m stuck with the bill! Thanks, but no thanks…it’s making me bulimic.

Hallelujah, the bill is out of the House.

Moving right along, I need a Senator to step up for the Americans Against Chaffing (AAC) Amendment.  (If you’ve ever been chafed, you’ll understand the acronym.) Since Congress has decided to balloon government to exert rule over the uteruses of its citizens, maybe they need to think about where all those precious feti are coming from. What’s good for the womb is good for the wiener.  Do you hear the sweet, lilting strains of “Every Sperm is Sacred” yet?

You may have seen the ads on TV.  America has worked hard to overcome its withering epidemic of erectile dysfunction. Apparently, a blue pill and side-by-side bathtubs help.  Every pregnancy, wanted or unwanted, is a direct result of a man rising to the occasion and saluting his power over gravity. My God, think about how many federally-funded doctors’ appointments are needed when “an erection lasts for more than four hours”!  How many unwanted pregnancies could be prevented?

Here lies the problem and need for “reform”.  The government pays for E.D. medicines and coathangertreatments. There is a chance their “cure” will result in an unwanted pregnancy, and we just can’t take that chance!  Federal money to stiffen the manly morale, but no funding to pay for an abortion if the woman so chooses? We have to nip this in the pud!  The same members of Congress who voted against the financial stimulus package would be hard pressed to vote against the stimulating more local packages.

The suggestion coming out of Washington is for women to buy supplemental insurance to cover an unwanted pregnancy. Really? Should the other gender do the same? Should the American people pay for personal erector sets? Shouldn’t E.D. medications be considered an out of pocket expense?  To use their language, erections have consequences.

While the US Senate is massaging the AAC Amendment, the great State of Oklahoma should take notes. You see, Senator Todd Lamb penned a spiffy little bill
requiring abortion providers fill out a 10-page questionnaire for each procedure, and then post details of abortions on a public website.

Hmmm…Maybe pharmacists and doctors ought to post E.D. prescription recipients and the coathangerreasons for required doses? After all, I understand abstinence education may confuse some people; it takes two to create an unwanted or wanted pregnancy.

I’m sure the E.D. challenges we hear about more often than swine flu are serious, personal and deserve treatment with or without federal funds. Why are the rights of women different? If it was “Christian” (read X-ian) values that prodded you to vote for the Stupak amendment and not the health care bill…I’d like to remind you, none of the messages of Christ were about abortion, but most of the miracles were about HEALING THE SICK!

As for Congressman Stupak and your “C Street Family Fraternity”; some advice: if you don’t have a vagina, perhaps you ought not to write or vote for such an invasive and offensive amendment. You’re from the wrong district.


  1. One of your best, Shannyn. Absolutely spot on.

  2. Awesome post Shannyn! Needs to go viral.

  3. Shannyn, you are my hero!

  4. Why is this so hard for some people to understand? Will share to my FB page.

  5. You hit the nail right on the……Yes, and now we get to do it all over again in the Senate where we have more of the same from men like Jon Kyl (R-AZ) who don’t think there’s any need for maternity care in there either. In Sept. he said: “I don’t need maternity care, so requiring that on my insurance policy is something that I don’t need and will make the policy more expensive.” So how much does his Viagra cost us?
    If abortion isn’t in there should we start a “men’s registry” of some sort so that when there’s a pregnancy they get “snipped” by court order? Enforcing child support? Oh wait, we do that already, and how is that working out? They’re a bunch of white men telling the “women-folk” what we are “allowed” to do according to their fake moral authority. Don’t get pregnant, but if you do don’t look at us for help in any way either. I really thought we had progressed beyond this a little, but sadly, no.

    • Sorry for Kyl. He usually strokes himself, though. I complained about his stand on the Franken amendment and I got a thick letter explaining how he was right to oppose it, blah, blah, blah. Then he included all his recent press releases and awards. I will vote for his opponent when the opportunity arrives, for sure.

      • Pretty hard to think of a good reason to oppose the Franken amendment. But then his “reasoning” is pretty odd, dare I say warped, so I’m sure anything goes. Yes, got to vote them out where we can.

  6. Any female type Representatives or Senators out there willing to write a bill that says federal insurance cannot be used to pay for a Doctor’s visit to obtain E.D. drugs, and that Medicare’s prescription part D will not pay for same? Come to think of it, it does not need to be a female. Any brave men willing to take on the challenge?

  7. This article has me so excited … no viagra needed here (course I am female). This is awesome. What can we do to legislate yanking funds from being used to buy the little blue pills (and/or the bathtubs)?

  8. The stunnning hypocrisy of it makes me sick….

  9. My opinion is that most of the male republican representatives are repressed sexually, and try their hardest to contro women and demean them to their utmost. They seem to feel emasculated by a woman who speaks her mind in public, after all isn’t it their rule that women and children should be seen and not heard??

  10. retfarc: that is it exactly and whether or not I support federal $ for abortions, or under what circumstances, etc. it irks me that the likes of Tom Price (the representative who kept rudely interrupting the female reps Sat. night in the House with his “I object …. I object(s)” are the ones who are making policy decisions about a woman’s right to choose. Rude, old, white, hypocritical men!

  11. Wonderful post, Shannyn. Thank you. I’m going to copy it to Democratic Underground (with attribution, of course). They’ll all love it over there. 🙂

  12. You’re right on the money, Shannyn. If Stupak is to stay in the bill, then they need to add that E.D. drugs will not be federally funded. How can we get this ball rolling (so to speak)?

  13. MEDICAL FACT: Half of all pregnancies end in spontaneous abortion, usually without the woman knowing she was pregnant.

    That would make the number one abortion provider in the world…God.

  14. Perhaps an amendment should be added to stupids I mean Stupak’s bill prohibiting federal funding of vasectomies and the prescription drug viagra. I mean turn about is only fair play.

  15. Not only should the bill not fund the blue pill, but the whole insurance company must be barred from having any plans that do fund the blue pill!

  16. Good one, Shannyn!
    Touché 😀
    Stick it to them where it counts.

  17. Points well made, right on the money.

    The rethuglicans really do want to go back to kitchen tables and coat hangers.

  18. Thank you. I am oldish. I have been fighting for women’s rights for over 40 years. This is getting tiresome, and I am becoming weary of this.

    Please, people. Call, write, email, show up at local Congressional offices and let your voice be heard. It is time. It is past time.

  19. the religious right needs to look at what they are doing here.

    where they tell themselves they are supporting life through cutting funding for abortions they sentence their sisters to wire hanger abortions, shame of unwanted pregnancies and children. and supporting future drama, too.

    shame on them. no pass for this lifetime and moving straight on to their hell.

    and yes, sadly, we have been through this before. how long, how long must we sing this song?

  20. Since you went to the PA Netroots, can you please use your various platforms to help bring about the restoration of choice for women? You are a good writer and obviously care about this as I do.

    Please use your connections and be a leader….Thanks!

  21. Shannyn, this post has gotten 30 recommendations on DU:

  22. Oh my god. Our sisters fought fast and furions for the ERA ammendment, and now we have regressed. What a shame. What a shame that our own progressives have saluted the banner of reprepression. Only when women are completely emancipated will all beings be emancipated. We struggle against oppression everywhere, but women and animals seem to be the dregs of society. It is the height of arrogance to think that as human males, superiority is their inherent right. Won’t it be intresting when on the other side the current privileged are destined to experience the next lifetime as a female entity? On the other hand, they could be constructive and use the opportunity to forward their own enlightenment for the benefit of all beings. We can only pray that they remember their previous experiences. We all pray that we remember our origines so that we are not destined to repeat our transgressions.

  23. Great article. My spouse and Mom really liked it.
    Tantef had a great idea, too bad there isn’t anyone in congress with the cojones to bring it up(pardon the expression).

  24. Another perspective:

    I’ve disliked Larry Summers since his idiotic statement about women. Plus a lot of other food for thought.


    BPA and ED, who would have thunk? Maybe the pricks in the Congress should lay off the plastic bottles….

  26. Excellent Post! Once Again, out of the ballpark!

  27. Wow, Shannyn, YOU’VE GOT TALENT! This not only is an excellent written piece but right on with the issues and facts. I’m sick of those Viagra and Cialis commercials…I wish all the men that take it would get a hard on for 4 hours! I’ve heard it could be excruciating pain….ahhh sweet revenge! Maybe they would think twice about taking that crap again.
    Keep up the good work and best wishes for your new show.

  28. Nip this in the pud, haaa! How long are we going to take this shit from these guys… Penis pumps, by the way, are also covered by Medicare…. so a withered, wrinkled 90yo penis can still impregnant a willing (or unwilling) uterus…

    There’s a reason dicks go limp as time goes on. We should start our lady-war thusly:

    1) I suggest we emblazon scarlet letters to everyone taking viagra or other ED meds so we know who to stay away from.

    1a) Men who take dick meds do not get vag, for any sperm they carry has the potential to beset us with offspring with an equally unattractive penis feature. Taken from that angle, it puts their flaccidity in the spotlight, thus detracting same spotlight from our vaginas.

    2) Insurance must not cover ED meds. They must pay full, non-generic prices for them.

    3) Ins must not cover penis pumps, again, full price.

    If they are going to lay down laws on my twat, I want to make it harder (or softer, as the case may be) for them to enter into it. Think of all the money big pharma will make on all those limp dicks…

  29. While this is a nice piece, certainly, as a man I fear your argument won’t be effective on men. If I disagreed with you (which I don’t) or supported the Stupak amendment (which I don’t), my reply would be something like, “Oh, okay, we’ll pay for the ED pills ourselves, then.”

    It’s just not a big deal, and I think that men don’t see it quite the way you think they do. Your argument sounds like half-comedy to a man. You’re making a point with humor, ha ha, okay. But it’s not viable if you actually want to reach men.

  30. Superb! You certainly have a way with words – even DH was laughing hard at your double entendres. So when will this appear on HuffPost?

  31. I love you

  32. Amazing. Just when I think I can’t get any more angry, I do. This is outrageous. Do they think that if they make it impossible to get insurance coverage for abortions, that will keep people from having and/or needing them? Lack of insurance won’t stop women from being raped or stop incest or stop the potential resulting pregnancies. Why should women need to buy supplemental insurance to cover the possibility that they might someday need to have an abortion? That’s ridiculous. Women still earn less than men, and often work in fields that pay less anyway (like education and non-profit). Where do they think women will get the extra money to pay for those supplemental plans?

    This whole thing has me spitting mad, but I don’t see what can be done to change it. I’m with you on your last statement, Shannyn: if you can’t potentially get pregnant (ie, men), you don’t have the right to tell me what I can or can’t do with my body, because you’ll never be put in the position where you would have to make that incredibly difficult decision. I highly doubt that anyone who decides to have an abortion does it with any amount of joy, so adding the additional strain of finances and insurance on top of that is just cruel, in my opinion.

  33. Classic, Shannyn. I love your work!

  34. Shannyn, I think you are doing a wonderful job overall, but I think you are just distracting people from the real issue by attempting to tie erectile dysfunction medication to abortion coverage. That’s like turning down car loan applications because so many people are killed in automobile accidents.

    Abortions should remain safe and legal and covered by insurance because it’s the right thing to do. Birth control medication and the ‘morning after’ pill should be covered as well and any provider who will not dispense them for ‘personal or religious’ reasons should not be in the health care business.

  35. I’m waiting legislation that will reduce or eliminate the amount of ejaculations a man can make and therefore will contribute to less unwanted births.

    Why is it the woman, who’s reproductive system is so much more delicate and intricate than a man, who carries the responsibility of pregnancy.

    It takes two. Once we turn the attention on the man and his best friend, I guarantee you the people who cry “leave my body alone” will increase exponentionally.

  36. Saw a bumper sticker that said”not every sperm needs a name”

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