Posted by: shannynmoore | February 9, 2010

Poster for Public Education…

Taken at the Palin/Perry rally this weekend.



  1. This is priceless! lol

  2. Priceless.

  3. Home Skoolin’ is destroying public education, and depriving kids of the opportunity to experience other ways-it-is by meeting kids different from themselves.

  4. Yeah, nice. And Tencredo wants to ban people of color from voting until they can pass a literacy test. Tencredo, educate your racist, redneck, illiterates first.

  5. It’s really more sad than anything.

  6. So sad. Ignorance like this all in the same weekend that Sarah introduced the iScribble.

  7. That’s sad. The parents can’t spell and they don’t give a damn if their kids can’t.

  8. It just doesn’t get better than that. Yes i covered my keyboard first.

  9. Another classic, to go with the “half-breed muslin” poster, the “moran” one, and the Fred Phelps counter-protester whose big pink placard read I HAVE A SIGN!

  10. The signs Stewart did on the Daily Show were priceless.
    ‘no pubic option’. And Tencredo said these people who couldn’t spell ‘vote’ put Obama in the White House.

    The hypocrisy of the Right(ridiculous)

  11. It is so sad, I have a niece who was home-schooled, In NYS these kids have to take the NYS GED exam, a high school equivalency diploma. Although most public school students in NYS have to take college prep classes. The homeschooled kids are allowed several GED classes to prepare for the exam, my niece cannot pass the exam…she never will….sad.
    We used to be told stories how my niece would get up at 9am have breakfast then do some work, then lunch, and maybe help make dinner. I can tell you what my kids did in high school, they were in school by 715 am, they were out of bed by 6am, the demands were extreme(this is a good thing) compared to the homeschooled
    Meanwhile my niece is highly unemployable, she can’t even consider enrolling in a college.
    Love it…you guys are awesome

  12. To paraphrase a mudpuppy:

    ““It’s sofa king we Todd did.””

  13. In the Puna district on the big island, I call “home-schoolin'” “no-schoolin'”

  14. I live in Texas where there are few regulations with respect to home schooling. Perry has been guv for 9 years and I think it is his way of maintaining his base. It’s real sad what these parents (many of which didn’t even finish high school) are doing to their children. It should be a criminalized.

  15. I can never decide whether to laugh or to cry when I see one of these signs. I feel great pity for them, their children, and our society. These people may always be dysfunctional. At some level, I think they know it and it fuels their fear, anger and resentment.

    I think that’s why Sarah fits in so well with them because I believe she has a deep-seated inferiority complex. She’s fought to prove her worth to herself and to others through her life. Was she demeaned as a child? Did someone drill in a message of “not good enough?”

    Rather than play nice with everyone else, I get the feeling she thought she wasn’t wanted so she just decided to change the game herself. She sounds like the kind of control freak who is so keen on controlling the rules of the game because she is afraid it’s the only way she can win.

    Was she like that on the basketball court? Is that how she earned her nickname?

    If so, then it makes sense that the semi-literate, easily manipulated, emotional hatriots (haters fooling themselves that they are patriots – thanks to God’s Own Party) would feel kinship with her. They too must feel their limitations, but like Sarah, blame others for them.

    I hold out little hope for their children – though at least one child of the vile Kansan Fred Phelps broke free and now lives in Canada. His blog tells of a childhood of beatings, threats, fear and deprivation. Fred lives to hate yet one of his children (and sadly, there are so many still under his control) did break the cycle and is a sane, rational human being who does not in anyway subscribe to teachings of his youth.

    You might not agree with all his views, but his blog A Journey to Reason demonstrates that despite all the abuse and lack of concern their parents can dish out, sometimes a child of these fundamentalists survives with his or her ability to think, to wonder and to search for his or her answers intact.

    Just thought I would proffer a positive amidst the sadness that that sign conveys.

    • Fred Phelps needs a good sledgehammer upside the head… he protests at the funerals of people killed overseas while in the service of our country. He is a coward of the worst type.

  16. I’d be a bit careful with that rather broad brush you all are painting homeschoolers with – it does you no credit. Many a homeschooled child does not go to public school because the school district is unable and/or unwilling to accommodate them – and this can mean high end as well as low end of the academic ability continuum. There are professors as well as illiterate parents who choose to homeschool.

    • “Traditionally, the biggest motivations for parents to teach their children at home have been moral or religious reasons, and that remains a top pick when parents are asked to explain their choice.” Gail Mulligan of the Department of Education’s National Center for Education Statistics.

  17. Somebody got it right…

  18. @motivation questions 8:52pm

    Your point, though well taken, speaks to the exception rather than the rule.

    I know several home schooled children from one family who are exceptionally well educated. This comes from their mother who is willing to make them do their schoolwork for six hours a day, and who works on lesson plans in the evening for the next day. Their parents are very engaged in the education of their children. The biggest problem I see for these children is the lack of opportunities to socialize with others of their own age and opportunities to blow off steam with sports.

    That being said, too many parents are not committed to doing the hard work for their children and let them slide by.

    • Emily, again, you are misunderstanding or ignorant or both about homeschooling. Many parents homeschool because it allows children to participate in other time demanding interests without the wasted time and lockstep rigidity of public education such as sports. IN addition in my area (not Alaska) , we are seeing a trend of early college entrance among homeschoolers. For every homeschooling child with a misspelled sign, I can give you the same or greater rate among public school educated students.

      • Correction to above post: Many parents homeschool because it allows children to participate in other time demanding interests such as sports or the arts, without the wasted time and lockstep rigidity of public education.

        • If you’re going to make such wide sweeping statements such as “many parents homeschool because” please provide a supporting citation or link.

  19. We homeschooled our 2 daughters for the first few years of their education and then transferred them to a private Christian school and then introduced them to the public school system. In a lot of ways they were way ahead of the others in their classes. In some ways they were lacking, mainly in the social interaction. I thank my wife who spent countless hours teaching and providing a range of topics to learn. Some are gifted as teachers, while others are lacking in that talent. This is going to directly affect the transfer of information and the quality of education that is administered.

    Though public schools have suffered many setbacks in funding and other resources, the premise is still the best for educating the masses with skills needed to cope in society today. But ultimately it is the responsibility of parents to ensure their children get a good education. Those that see the school system as merely a means of babysitting their kids, will likely suffer grave consequences regarding the eventual outcome of those individuals.

  20. I am going to offend some people, so gird your loins.

    I am a public school teacher. I have been for 30 years.

    I have a bachelor’s degree, two master’s degrees, three teaching credentials and am National Board Certified.

    I resent some high school graduate with who knows what grade point average thinking they can do my job. I don’t care how well you know your own kid. Unless your credentials are equal to mine, you cannot educate your child as well as I can. I am a trained professional. You are an amateur. The fact that I am not the parent of your child gives me an advantage. I can see a larger picture. I am not biased by familiarity or personal relationships.

    And yes, I think of all of the children, not just your kid. I’m afraid the way public education (and private for that matter) is set up, your kid is not going to get my one on one attention all day. They will not get a personalized education plan custom made just for them.

    I am still better qualified to teach your kid than you are.

    At the very least…they’ll learn to spell.

    (Remember that classic sign? “Thank you Fox News for keeping us infromed. Yes God Bless Amercia.”)

    Your kid will at least be able to spell America.

    Without having to write it on their hand.

    • Hardly – and where do we start with your ignorance. Better qualified? Fact: most schools don’t hire those with M.A.s as they are too expensive. Teaching credentials? OK, you have training in crowd control. Yet what schools and teachers continually fight for is smaller class size – you’re contradicting your self there, Teach.

      And if you’re worried about grade point averages – why is it that education programs – of the type where you got that teaching degree – consistently admit those with worse GPA’s than any other degree programs? Why is it that many states have finally realized the folly of education majors who may have classroom management skills but little depth of subject area knowledge and are looking to drop or modify education course requirements in favor of more in subject areas? Why is it that education majors are generally the laughingstock of the subject area courses – among both professors and fellow students?

      And why is it that many a formerly publicly taught student is failing miserably, but after transferring to homeschool excels in many areas, often going on to attend elite programs and colleges, often on scholarships – and why are colleges increasingly recruiting homeschoolers?

      Why is it that the product of your touted trained professionals is on a steady decline compared with other countries?

      As for learning to spell why is it that the Scripps Spelling Bee winners 2000 and 2007, IIRC, were homeschooled.

      Why is it that supposed professionals are so insecure (could it be that they know they’re not doing a good job and nationally normed tests prove this) that they need to play put down with parents for whom homeschooling is working very well, thank you. You, frankly, wouldn’t know what to do with my kids in your classroom. If you are a middle school teacher, are you qualified to teach advanced grammar and composition? Are you also qualified to teach Latin? How’s your calculus?

      So your state has no IEP for special ed or gt students? Were my children to be in school in my state and many others, they would qualify for one and you had better well comply – it is the law that you do.

      If I’m not mistaken, She-who-writes-on-her-hand is both the classroom product of the public education system as well as the offspring of public school teachers – maybe all those professionals are contributing causes of her delayed mental development and incoherence?

      OH, and the kid would also know not to write in sentence fragments, unlike some self-proclaimed professional teachers around here.

  21. I feel sorry for the homeschooled kids. They turn into Cling-ons well into their young adulthood because their parents made them afraid of the common folk.

    • All these folks look soooo clingy, don’t they? Going away to university at 15 or 16 yep, just poor, clingy homeschooled kids.

  22. So interesting that my link of successful homeschoolers has twice been deleted. But google it if you like.

    While you’re at it, you might want to discuss the failure to teach spelling that was the public school teachers mantra for a few decades, whole language learning.

    • If you put in links that aren’t checked with the service to be something that isn’t spam it won’t post…nothing personal…relax.

  23. Thank you, Shannyn. I was a bit baffled because I didn’t read you as the censoring kind.

    That sign was funny and I too giggled at first, but then when posters ran with it, it became a textbook example of the hasty generalization fallacy as well as privileged commenting of the type whites practice on minorities. Imagine the reverse – would we read posts to make public schooling illegal if we found a photo of a public schooled student’s sign misspelled? If a large percentage weren’t graduating or passing statewide tests? (which they are) If academically talented students were being slighted and damaged by schools? (which they are).

    Yes, I am as annoyed as anyone else at he damage the know-nothing, can’t distinguish science from religion fundamentalist homeschoolers are doing to their children and their perversion of education to indoctrination. But in the future, I would hope you will distinguish those homeschoolers from the ones doing it for sound academic reasons. Just as homeschoolers have to separate administration, DOE, and teachers and then recognize that there are good and bad in each of those categories.

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