Posted by: shannynmoore | November 19, 2008

Keith Olbermann BROKE UP WITH ME!

Like it’s not bad enough. I’ve been hearing loons talk about secession up here my whole life. In Alaska, the three top ballot seats: President, Senate and House of Representatives, have candidates on the ballot from the secessionist Alaska Independent Party. In two of the three, the AIP holds at least 4% of the vote. The felonious Ted Stevens looks like he has convinced over a hundred thousand Alaskans what he couldn’t convince 12 jurors of a few weeks ago.

Now, Keith Olbermann has the temerity to ask if it’s too late to sell Alaska back to the Russians. Repeatedly. America’s liberal boy-wonder is breaking up with me. He’s not the only one suggesting putting Alaska up on eBay, but I can only handle one break up at a time. Consider this partner counseling; the circle of truth; the trust tree.*

I’m like many Alaskans, just not the one you’ve been forced to get to know lately. I know what newspapers I read. I know Africa is NOT a country. I know Stephen Harper is the Prime Minister of Canada, and I know he has T.V. perfect hair. I know who makes up NAFTA – which I thought was a crock when it passed. My favorite birthday present this year was the return of Habeas Corpus in a 5-4 US Supreme Court decision on June 12th.

I’ve never been to New York City, but I wanted to puke in my mouth watching the Republican National Convention’s “9/11 Tribute to Fear.” I wasn’t born in the 60’s, but I know what race baiting is. I know the public executions of JFK, Malcolm X, MLK, and RFK-all in a five year span-drove the American progressive movement into a coma for nearly 40 years. A once empowered, liberal generation sat like Terry Schiavo watching balloons float by; Nixon, Ford, Reagan, Bush I, Bush II. Wars, the corporate job-exporting economy, the perilous environment, expanded human rights violations, erosion of civil rights, The US Constitution compromised; none of it registered due to blunt force trauma on the American psyche.

Barack Obama’s voice blends many of those faint martyred messages cut short; human rights, hope, justice, peace, change. His inspirational urgency moved a generation politically paralyzed to stand up again. New generations learned to walk, on their own power, to change their futures. This promise is precarious. People my mother’s age hold their breath, pray he is safe, and bravely look forward from a painful past. I know, it takes one lone crazy, living in the apartment over his grandma’s garage; walls covered with “Pin-up Palin” shots who doesn’t need much more than a wink, a “pallin’ around with terrorists”, and her silence while “supporters” answered “terrorist!” and “kill him!” to her question of “Who is Barack Obama?” Even now, she’s still talking about “associations.”

I was born here, Sarah Palin was not. I don’t have a fabricated “Fargo” accent that sounds like I make casseroles with tater tots and mushroom soup. Many brilliant, artistic, articulate and cultured citizens call Alaska home. On November 4th, you got to shake your shoes of our Governor. You sleep easier now. Gone are the train wreck fantasies that kept you up at night; a 3am phone call and she, a heart beat away from the “nukular” codes. You now invest casual interest as you would a People magazine while waiting for dental work. BUT, SHE’S BACK HERE AND READY TO RULE!

Progressive Alaskans have a target on their backs for speaking out about her archaic philosophies and faith-based policies. January’s 2009 Legislative Session may see a bill allowing the aerial hunting of the exotic, but endangered species; “Alaskan Liberal.” I have a public creed of “painting a red state blue, one stroke at a time,” and you’re dumping me, Keith? Really?

Many suffer from PTSD-Post Traumatic Sarah Disorder. It comes with a long list of political collateral damage and shrapnel wounds. The McCain-Palin campaign sent Belmont level horsepower to Alaska to throw the Governor’s “enemies” under the Straight Talk Express Bus. NYC would have spit; Alaska gagged and swallowed.

This afternoon, the AP just called Alaska’s Senate race for Anchorage Mayor Mark Begich. But for two weeks, it looked like we elected a felon. Ted Stevens has been a senator since before I was born. People here are torn between nostalgia and history. No matter where you travel in-state, you bump into establishments named after him; The Ted Stevens Anchorage International Airport; Ted Stevens Marine Research Institute; Ted and Catherine Stevens Center for Science and Technology Education and the Stevens Family Chalet at the Hilltop Ski Area in Anchorage. Many can’t imagine Alaska without him, but I can!

I can imagine Ted making license plates wearing an orange jumpsuit! My friend, Phil, says Stevens’ punishment should be overseeing the re-naming of all his institutional namesakes. I’m a recovering commercial fisherman, and I know he sold us out. His confirmation of “conservative” judges paved the way for the recent Baker vs. Exxon case that robbed many Alaskan fishermen of damages incurred by the 1989 Valdez Oil Spill. The R.A.T.S. (Roberts, Alito, Thomas, and Scalia) saw fit to cap the award at ten cents on the dollar after 19 years. Translation to Exxon: four days profit for environmental terrorism-the cost of doing business. Translation to Alaskans: F*@# YOU! Bend over, we’re driving.

The only thing Uncle Ted liked better than the Patriot Act was the Military Commissions Act. His “Incredible Hulk” tie trumped the Constitution more than once. I broke up with him a long time ago. Do I seem bitter?

Mark Begich is Senate seat-worthy. I begged him to run for higher office when he was a weekly guest on my local radio show. I called him the “Fairy-God Mayor” for making many of my municipal dreams come true. During one of our weekly chats, I asked the Mayor what he liked on his pizza. (I have a secret theory people order up their life like they do pizza.) He said, “Oh, just put it all on there. If I don’t like something, I’ll pick it off.” I loved that answer; low maintenance and not afraid to try it all. (BTW, according to my theory, if you don’t like pizza you may need some hotline help.)

Part of wanting Mark to run for higher office was nostalgia for his father’s brilliant political career tragically cut short. Congressman Nick Begich was lost in a plane crash with Louisiana Congressman Hale Boggs in October of 1972. A few weeks later, though presumed dead, Congressman Begich beat his challenger Don Young by 12.4%. A special election was then called which Don Young won. He still holds the seat today.

Truth be told, I wanted a Begich to take the seat back from Don Young, who squandered it. Seeing Mark Begich take the Senate seat has more historic healing for many old time Alaskans than seeing Stevens retain it.

Not to get too “professor” on you, Keith (think hair up, glasses, short skirt, high heels. Oh wait, never mind!) I want you to know what you’re ready to cut loose.

First Alaskans thrived in a frozen land for thousands of years and left no foot print. In 1867, Russia gave you a hell of a deal at 1.9 cents an acre. The Klondike Gold Rush was a quick pay back, and gave Charlie Chaplin some great material.

The last shot of the Civil War was fired by the CSS Shenandoah on June 23, 1865, 10 weeks after Lee’s surrender. Go figure, it was in Alaskan waters and CSN Captain, James Waddell hadn’t heard the War was over. That was awkward.

Homesteading pioneers farmed, fished and flourished. In 1922, a Tlingit Chief, Charlie Jones was jailed for voting. His protest gave way to Native Alaskans getting the right to vote two years before Native Americans. In 1944, years before the civil rights movement in the States, Roberta Schenck, a Native woman refused to budge from her seat in the “White’s Only” section of a movie theatre in Nome. She was dragged out and jailed. Schenck was Alaska’s Rosa Parks. Because of her bravery and the moving testimony of Elizabeth Peratrovich, on Feb. 16, 1945, Territorial Governor Ernest Gruening signed an anti-discrimination law. Against the argument that the law would not eliminate discrimination, Peratrovich said, “Do your laws against larceny and even murder eliminate those crimes?”

We decriminalized abortion before Roe vs. Wade. Our privacy laws are the strongest in the country. A man told me he moved here after studying the Alaska Constitution at law school; it could have been Section 22 that allowed Alaskans the right to possess marijuana.

During WWII the Japanese occupied the Alaska islands of Kiska and Attu for almost two years. Because of the harsh conditions endured, frost bite became worthy of a Purple Heart. 1958, the Inupiat Village of Point Hope protested the nuclear detonation of Project Chariot to create a port on the North Slope. As a “thank you,” the Federal Government transported and buried the contamination from the 1962 Nevada Test Site to the Chariot location. Cancer rates among villagers are staggering. Where’s Erin Brockovich when we need her? In 1988, Homer, Alaska voted to officially become a “Nuclear Free Zone” in response to proposed nuclear subs. That same town — my home town — 20 years later, had the only known “spontaneous” Obama headquarters in the country. You’re welcome, Keith.

Alaska is one of the best things about America. We are the last frontier. What once was wild in America still is here. I still catch my breath; the northern lights over Denali can trump a full moon; a phosphorescent glow in the wake of my row boat; bears fishing salmon out of Brooks Falls; glaciers bigger than cruise ships.

It’s wrong to be hard on you for not knowing Alaskans aren’t all Palinbots. After the last week or so, it would be fair to wonder if we suffer from Reality Deficit Disorder when it comes to Ted Stevens and the Rule of Law. It’s easy to want to knock sense into my neighbors who have ignored our history; so rich with strength, true with characters, and patriotism that deserves to be called American.

The progressive history of Alaska is buried under the “new” wave of oil workers and rapture watchers. McChurches promise to Super Size your Jesus. They haven’t noticed the miracle of “curing a gay guy” wasn’t mentioned in the works of Christ. Sarah Palin cut the red ribbon and the prayer asked God’s blessing on “all those who enter” the Wasilla Wal-Mart. I hope God does bless those who work there; they’ll need it since they have no health benefits.

Women with “the bigger the hair the closer to God” up-do, line up to live the American dream of buying flag lapel pins and sequined “I Heart America” t-shirts made by un-aborted children in China. They punctuate their purchase with a personalized credit card owned by a company in Abu Dhabi. Men drive by in the newest “Ford Compensator 350”, towing a trailer loaded with ATVs. Rush Limbaugh blaring when the Lee Greenwood CD gets too teary; something about “Where at least I know I’m free.” Yellow ribbon magnets claim to support the troops; the same troops who are fighting to make sure the gallon of gas moving him all of 9.4 miles, stays cheaper than a latte.

I too, through my elitist patriotic lens, mock them. I realize how easy it has been to see a regressive, fundamentalist, socially-crippled Alaska. I get it, the jokes have written themselves; in Braille, smoke signals, etch-a-sketch. Alaska has issues galore; who doesn’t? Are you going to break up with Kentucky as well?

So, Mr. Olbermann and others (you know who you are, Bill Maher), before you break up with Alaska, let’s have a reality check. The known examples of Alaskan Spirit have vaporized in the wake of the “Great White Shopper from the North.” I hate to think “That Woman” would come between us. But the truth is, we are what America used to be. We are the Oregon Train with iPods. We are Lewis and Clark with hybrid snowmachines. We are Sacagawea with a Garmin. We are Yellowstone on steroids. We are Davy Crockett with a helicopter. (OK, I’ve gone too far.)

Not to play the blame game, but in the spirit of transparency you only get in therapy*, the colonization of your 49th State by Global Enterprise has gone largely unnoticed. Again, not your fault, Northern Exposure was filmed in Washington State. We could use some help fighting to insure the wild Salmon runs of Bristol Bay stay pristine against the Pebble Mine. Your aid would be appreciated in keeping our wolves and bears safe from aerial “hunting.” And were your voices lifted with ours in a message to Exxon, maybe our fishermen would have been able to maintain their industry despite an environmental disaster.

Keith. I can call you Keith, right? It would be easier to hear your rejection if you hadn’t kept many Alaskans sane with your “You, Sir” rants. Bill Maher’s New Rules encourage me to write my own. Chris Matthews exhausts me with explanation, but I get it. Rachel Maddow is still talking to us…she’s strangely fascinated. But you — Sir — are singled out as chief dumper. It’s only fair. I was getting ready to go to Anchorage’s Election Central, when I heard your voice break slightly; Barack Obama was the projected 44th President of the United States. I realized I’d held my breath for 8 years. I cried; in relief, in triumph, for hope, for healing, for history. I felt American.

“You, Sir” took many politically battered, Alaskans; your American brothers and sisters through a keyhole in time. Since then, “You, Sir” keep on the queries of how to dump Alaska every time Sarah Palin stumbles. “You, Sir” should kick Russia’s ass if they even look cross at us. (Well, talk to them first…then get our back.) “You, Sir” are joking, and to an extent, so am I.

We should make up. I’d like that.

We need your help, your respect and maybe some flowers.

*think: Will Farrell’s therapy scene in Old School.



  1. Very, very, very good post.

    You are clearly a big fan of Olbermann (I am too). But rather than sulk privately about what he said about your state, you put your grievance into a brilliant post that’s simultaneously a love letter, progressive clarion call, and Alaska history lesson. I love it. And Keith will undoubtedly correct his error.

    I first saw you on Keith’s show soon after Sarah Palin was tapped to be McCain’s VP Nominee. And ever since that day, I’ve followed your work in Alaska, and weeks later I was happy to see your work debut on HUFFPOST. Your great spirit is infectious and your voice is necessary.

    I share Mr. Olbermann’s disdain for Sarah Palin and how she conducted herself during the camapign. But you are right to push back against any suggestion (from anyone!) that Palin wholeheartedly and fundamentally represents the views, passions, dreams, and temperment all Alaskans…because she doesn’t.

    I know I speak for many who will read your post when I say, you have hit a towering home run!

  2. Shannyn — this is brilliant! Just like your commentary on This is America with Jon Elliott, this shines!! Mark Green should have you guest host on Air America as a prelude to hosting regularly. We need you in Alaska, in America, and on Air America!! (And Rachel shouldn’t be the only women Keith mentors!!)

  3. A truly enlightening post!

    Bad, bad Keith!

  4. This post kicked ass Shannyn!

    But that picture of you and Keith will haunt my nightmares. Disturbing does not begin to describe it.

    P.S. And by the way interesting complexion on that fur trimmed child. Are Keith’s cuckold horns hidden under his hood?

  5. I know little about Alaska but I know Sarah Palin can not be representative of Alaskans.

    This is the best post about Alaska I have ever read, You betcha!

    The photo fits perfectly. Thanks, Shannyn. I can call you Shannyn, right?

    Thank you, God, for the internet or we may have never heard many voices like yours.

  6. Oh my GAWD – this is so f%^ing funny and perfect and might I say, you and Keith make such a fine couple.

    Well done great Sister of the North! How about if YOU make a run for that Governer office and give Palin a run for her money??

    Let me know where to send my campaign donation!

  7. Uhhh, how about a little attribution? I started the whole “sell Alaska” thing and even conceived the asking price, ON YOUR OWN BLOG…see comments:

    Shannyn, Mark Begich won and your and your state’s 15 minutes are just about up.

  8. Shannyn,

    A very well-written post. I especially like the “the “new” wave of oil workers and rapture watchers” line.
    I’ve been ranting about the same topic for years.

    The above imports have done a fair job of hijacking Alaskan policy and politics, but we CAN get our state back, it will take some perseverance.

    Thanks, Shannyn.

  9. I think you should invite Keith to Homer for the weekend. All he needs to do is experience Alaska first-hand and he will (like so many others of us) never feel the same way about it.

    Give him heck, Shannon! LOL!

  10. Wow! Great post! “You, Ma’am, have done us proud!”

    Dennis Zaki is a photoshop GENIUS! You and Keith look so happy!!!

  11. so the photo…

    why is your head in the man’s parka and the mans head is in the womens parka?

    not to get all snarky or anything, but gawd Shannon, DON”T DO IT… change the heads around… put your head in the female style parka!
    pulllleeeeeze just do it… do NOT go down in history, like so many before you, doing a pose in someone’s parka, someone from the other gender…

  12. Shannon your post gives “voice” to Progressive Alaskans who suffer through living in a State of Cronyism bent on extracting and expending every last bit of Resource she has. I think Mr. Olbermann needs to visit Alaska to understand the diversity of the people and landscape they live in. From the rainforests of Southeast to the frozen northland the people of Alaska ” pride” themselves on a rugged individuality. Rightly or wrongly the ” faces” seen by America during the recent election cycle have left an indelible “white out” perception of Alaska.

    I echo the above posters in reflecting on the brilliance of your piece and the need for your representative voice in the radio media. I hope your piece makes it’s way to Keith O!!!!

  13. wow. i think i’m in love!

  14. Super as usual, what can I say.

  15. Great job Shannyn. Wonderful and funny while at the same time serious.

    Just right on the mark. Thanks for your insight and I am sure it is just a bump in the road not a real break up….lol

  16. I have been a big fan of yours for quite some time now Mrs. Moore. I think you are a brilliant writer, an extremely attractive young lady(if you do not mind my saying so), and a much needed voice that can clearly and truthfully articulate – in this day and age of chaos and confusion, the facts and simple truths that we all must be kept aware of as we, as a nation, “plow on through” these uncertain times and into an even more uncertain future. My humble request to you Madame, you who were born with that ever so special Alaskan spirit of old, you who know the truth of Malcolm, and Martin, Robert and John, you, to whom we should all be listening in order to, if not find our way, at least know – which way, I ever-so humbly ask: Give Keith another chance? He, much like yourself – is a passionate voice that we can not do without. Forget about Bill Maher…(he has to redeem himself.) Together, you and Keith, keep my 52 year-old spirit alive with truth, hope, and the feeling that “integrity” still exists somewhere in the world. Don’t give up on Keith Olbermann!

  17. Alaska doesn’t need a Tourist Board…they’ve got you. Marvelous post.

  18. more kool aid please..

  19. You Madam
    Are outstanding

  20. OMG THE PICTURE IS HILARIOUS and a big fat WET BLANKET award to those people who are being all techical about the men’s /women’s parka thing. Its supposed to be funny, not REAL.

    Shannyn I love your writing its like sitting listening to you talk around the fire.

  21. Damn your good.

    I was just walking around Carrs shopping thinking about what a national joke my home state has become with the outside world. In the 80’s Alaska was exotic and cool! Girls loved it!
    Tonight I was considering whether I should even mention it when I travel out of state.

    Thanks for lifting our heads up Shannyn.

    The inclusion of Charlie Jones and Roberta Schenck was great!

  22. hi Shannyn,
    thanks for the great long read,Keith (as i call him too) is a guy that makes us all listen to what he has to say and then we take it all in and start wondering for ourselves why he makes us think. Which we need more of, i say..
    he*s a ** good** maverick..
    About S Palin, i still say she is her own maverick, and i must say a one of a kind, as i have many pictures of her in magazines where she is wearing a big polar bear pin on her outfits while campaigning.. and i must say she is *NO fan of the polar bear as she told G Bush that she does not support the *save the polar bear from extinction*, i say she was wearing that pin in support of the AIP, and thats being a maverick, as i noticed that the polar bear is the logo on the AIP letterhead…

    bravo palin under the eyes of America, you were a maverick doing that. i bet the AIP loved every minute of it..

    any thoughts about this? deb

  23. I noted over at the Huff Post. You really blew the top off the mountain with this one……

    You made it tolerable the last few months along with the big goof on MSNBC. Thanks for free speech….

  24. Shannyn,

    Please don’t be mad. I don’t know what I’d do if I couldn’t see you every now & then on Countdown (or Rachel’s show.) The first time you appeared on Countdown it was like a breath of beautiful blond fresh air blowing down from the north, speaking truth to power. Kick Keith in his private parts, then help him up & shake hands. We’re happy to keep Alaska so long as it contains you.

  25. Wow! That’s a lot to take in at 6:00 AM but I love it! Lots of history in there, things I had forgotten or just didn’t know.

    I’m sad for you and Keith. You’re such a cute couple, although he does have a really large head…

    Take a day off…you’ve been working hard!

  26. Interesting, funny, then I hit…hair up, glasses, short skirt, high heels…

  27. Shannyn, Thank you for the rant. Now that you have that off your chest, know this: You’re too good for him. He was just using you (& us). We (& SHE) are yesterdays news, lining the bird cage.

    We can get back to being the dysfunctional political family we have always been. Face it, even in the glory days of Egan, Gruening, Begich, Bartlet, they did some screwy things. Loved Egan, but he is responsible for the terminus in Valdez. The pipeline was going to go through Canada, but Valdez is Egans home town. Enter Hickel and Oil…well we have lived with that for nearly 40 years. The compromises everyone made for oil, & continues to this day. We have been colonized, and it will take some time to throw off the mind set.

    BTW, Mudflats introduced me to blogging (on that fateful day when I googled the news on SHE), and I only just ventured to your site. You are a kindred spirit, albeit more eloquent and funny. Thank you, and keep up the good work.

  28. oh Shannyn…I love every post you make, but this one is off the charts! If someone hasnt sent this to Olbermann…then I will!

    I live in a part of Canada, very similar to Alaska. I know of what you speak…on almost every front. My country sometimes would like to toss us too.

    lol..Keith doesnt mean it Shannyn…I know he doesnt.

    Oh..and if my dad were alive he would be nudging me saying…”hmm…why dont you know your history like that young lady does?” Truth is..I do know…I just liked to torture him.


  29. Reading your “Break up w/ Keith”: I felt like the Wizard of OZ Gatekeeper, listening in on Dorothy’s “I’ll never get home, now” speech from the window-in-the door. I live in NC. You know, Jesse was our senator ( “Come on in. I used to have an Auntie Em, too!”) . We have some firsthand experience with your stereotype.

    Come on , Keith ! Sometimes it is our closest partners who teach us the deepest truths about ourselves.

  30. Shannyn, you are WONDERFUL! Thank you for putting this thing in perspective for another Alaskan, whose head was down, and for the rest of the nation once Keith gets it and “gets it.” You’ve given me, Alaska and America more than you can know! Thank you!


  31. Excellent, excellent, excellent entry!!

    (*skips on over to the archives, to start at the beginning*)

  32. Keep up the good work. Your fantastic.Some of my best years were spent with USAF at Elmendorf and King Salmon AFS 1958/1959.Was there when AK became a state !
    I met some outstanding folks during those years and learned alot about life !
    You are certainly a great AK product.
    As a old geezer now It is heartbreaking to see the influx of
    the religious freaks there ! They truly ruin everything they touch or kill it !

  33. Thank you. I needed that.

  34. Wow. Now I know what to say when friends ask, what is it with Alaska…? Read this. Thanks.

  35. Shannyn, have you heard from Keith yet?

  36. I really like your post. I, like Rachel Maddow, have an odd fascination with Alaska. I also live in Cleveland, Ohio. With the announcement of Palin as VP, I began to read the ADN, this blog and Progressive Alaska to try to understand the state. I started to root for Mark Begich and Ethan Berkowitz, explaining to family and friends, their stances and why it was important to follow them. I have never been to Alaska, but am excited to explore it in the future (I may try to keep that to summer though–winters in Cleveland are no fun, but probably a walk in the park compared to Anchorage). I’m disappointed in Keith–I hope he reads this and realizes how stupid he was being…and perhaps he can give a special comment apology.

  37. Shannon – you have outdone yourself with this one! I absolutely love it, and you are speaking for so many of us in Alaska who have only been able to find anger on the tips our our tongues. I have been enjoying your appearances on the RM show, and I’m sorry I didn’t discover your blog sooner than during the election with our idiot Gov SP spewing lies and hatred – maybe I would have found my sense of humor a little sooner. Thanks for making me laugh – you are a gem and I’m so glad you are in Homer wielding your mighty pen and keyboard – keep up the good work! I’m in Juneau, and will have to suffer SP and our Legislators’ circus very soon now. Bleck.

  38. Shannyn – sorry to misspell – can’t believe it – guess SP’s horrific grammar and English skills are rubbing off – bleck. Time to get the slime off, and to go study a bit of English grammar and run some spelling bees.

  39. Don’t give up! You two make a great couple!

  40. Very well said, Shannyn. After reading you and AKM for the last few months, I feel like I am an Alaskan too. It takes a special gift to frame events we would otherwise take for granted in such a way as to engender deep meaning for those of us far removed, physically anyway, from your environs and your hearts.

    Thanks for a great post.

  41. Eloquent and well-written…unlike some we won’t mention. Every state has their own skeletons-some are hidden in the closet; some states with closets too full and they spill out frequently. And others proudly display their skeletons- like IL and LA.

  42. Thanks for this bit of brilliant Northern light! You’ve managed to paint the whole picture of Alaska for those of us far away (Maine), with all its colors and shades of gray.

  43. Just a note I’ve never been able to post on this site .So, this is a bit of a checking out if it will make your site
    I love Keith but, I’m am getting tired of his rants like Rush. I think the progressive voice should be one of reason. I think the world of you keep up the good work Priscilla’s Huby

  44. You know, the thing about Keith is, even though he’s our blowhard, self-satisfied, smug, tee-vee head, he’s still, well, a blowhard, self-satisfied, smug, 20th century media whiteguy.

    Now Rachel, there’s a paradigm shift in the making. Look to the future, Shannyn.

  45. You have nice, big eyes. Why would you like someone with suspicious, squinty eyes like Olbermann???

  46. Did you get a phone call or some flowers? Great post Shannyn. I really have enjoyed reading the Alaska Blogs over the last few months. Yours, Mudflats and Progressive Alaska are regular must reads. All we need now is to have your voice back on the radio! You are missed!

  47. Ok Shannyn! I concede! I forgive the mayor for driving me nuts for a year. I am glad he is moving on and is our new senator! BTW, guess who voted for obama.

  48. Hi Shannyn! I want you to know that I’m a fan, and I read everything you put out there. There is nothing like hearing it from someone who knows.

    I pride myself on not having hard feelings against another human being, but for Sarah Palin, I’m willing to make an exception. I’m not one to let other’s make up my mind about anything, so I’m comfortable with my feelings about Sarah on what I know of her.

    I too am a KO fan! So I understand your heartbreak of the breakup [smile]. Please keep all the excellent infomation on Alaska coming…..

  49. THIS is one of the finest writings I’ve ever read. You are brilliant, incredibly funny and I have the greatest of respect for your words that help to bring alive what all this hoo-rah pertaining to HER has wrung out of the rest of you in Alaska.
    Even now, several weeks post-election, I still got lonesome for your blog entries and have been sitting here reading them for over an hour.
    Bless you, indeed, Wise and Witty Woman. May the people of your great state appreciate you as one of Alaska’s great natural resources!!!

  50. You are a beautiful woman, and smart too. Someone I would love to meet. It is so nice to see a woman who knows of what she speaks. Michael

  51. Thanks for linking, what a GREAT post. Loved the history too.

    I know it’s from a while back, but better late than never to appreciate great writing!

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